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Apple, Samsung & Sony Indirectly Accused of Child Labor Violations


Editor in Chief
Jul 27, 2011
Reaction score

Seeing the headline above, your first instinct is probably to assume Foxconn in China might be the main culprit behind the accusation that Apple, Samsung, Sony (and several others) have violated child labor laws. Over the past few years Apple and Samsung have shown up in the media often with problems relegated to the way workers have sometimes been mistreated by Foxconn (and a few other Chinese based manufacturing partners).

However, jumping to that conclusion would be wrong. Apparently, this new accusation aimed at these tech companies is even more indirect than that. The human rights organization Amnesty is claiming the problem is farther down the supply chain. Apparently, a large number of tech companies which include the likes of Apple, Samsung and Sony have failed to ensure that the minerals used in their products were not acquired using child labor. It turns out that children as young as seven are slaving in cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Cobalt is one of the core components of lithium ion batteries found in our fancy mobile gadgets. Here's a quote with a few more details,

"The report claims that as many as 40,000 children work in the cobalt mines of the DRC. Some of the children interviewed for the report claim to work up to 12 hours a day, earning between $1 and $2 in the process. They work above ground, washing and carrying heavy loads of rocks. Amnesty International claims they often face physical abuse and exposure to dangerous gas and dust."

While it's easy to jump to righteous anger regarding these accusations, the situation is quite complicated. Most of the companies who have been called out by Amnesty have already issued statements that they have zero tolerance policies regarding such practices, so they plan to cancel contracts with any organization linked to these atrocities. Despite that, the larger ones (like Apple and Samsung) will actually have a hard time living up to this standard. The problem is that the Democratic Republic of Congo mines at least 50% of the world’s cobalt. Furthermore, the problem is exacerbated by the fact that many of the other regions that mine cobalt in large quantities, have similar child labor and worker mistreatment problems.

It's easy to point fingers at the governments of these regions, and that is ultimately where the real changes need to be made; however, changing things on that scale is a whole other world of political complications. Of course, despite this being a complicated problem, at some point, someone must be held accountable in order to affect change. Perhaps, if the corporations which do business in countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo could put increased pressure on them to reform their labor laws, then something could be done. Here's a quote from Mark Dummett, Amnesty International’s business and human rights researcher,

"Millions of people enjoy the benefits of new technologies but rarely ask how they are made. It is high time the big brands took some responsibility for the mining of the raw materials that make their lucrative products. Companies whose global profits total $125 billion cannot credibly claim that they are unable to check where key minerals in their productions come from."

What do you think Apple, Samsung and Sony (and other companies) could do to change things?

Source: Gizmodo


Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
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The way the supply chain is currently working would require Apple and every other tech company to cease all production and shut down to be absolutely certain that it is not even indirectly supporting child labour in any form.


Editor in Chief
Jul 27, 2011
Reaction score
Sadly, I think your assessment is correct.

fb si

iPF Noob
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
EDITED America wasnt built on child labor. Lol

Apple is no more or less guilty than any other company. If all of these companies were shut down, there wouldnt be any companies left. All that can be done is that when it is discovered is to stop the practice. If it is proven they continued to use child labor after it is proven they were aware, fine them.
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fb si

iPF Noob
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
EDITED. Thank you! :)
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iPF Noob
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
One visit to Ellis Island will show one how great America treated it's Imagates back in the days,

The civil war was fought over the slaves, but then that is in the history books.

At 75 I have seen a lot of change, but we have no real right to accuse anyone of anything,

I visit China twice a year, and we have a lot to be thankful in the US, but their one child law was understandable during the depression, the US is not always right.

Apple can only look back so far in it's supply chain,

fb si

iPF Noob
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
People risk their lives to get OUT of China, not to get in. People risk their lives to get IN to America, not to get out.

I'll take America with all of it's imperfections any day.


Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
Reaction score
EDITED America wasnt built on child labor. Lol

Apple is no more or less guilty than any other company. If all of these companies were shut down, there wouldnt be any companies left. All that can be done is that when it is discovered is to stop the practice. If it is proven they continued to use child labor after it is proven they were aware, fine them.

EDITED. Thank you! :)
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