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Sharing Itunes w/Ipad & 2 4S Iphones??


iPF Noob
May 10, 2012
Reaction score
Melbourne Fl
I purchased an Ipad for the wife last year. It is set up on Itunes using an [email protected] email. All works well, including cloud and the app store.

We now each have an 4S Iphone. I set up mine and connected to app store & Itunes (on my PC) with her [email protected] so we could share pictures, ect..

But I am getting her email on my phone... We do not plan to use the phones for mail much, as we are both FOG's and the screen is to small..

Is there a way to link all three, without sharing the emails??


PS: phones are Verizon..
I purchased an Ipad for the wife last year. It is set up on Itunes using an [email protected] email. All works well, including cloud and the app store.

We now each have an 4S Iphone. I set up mine and connected to app store & Itunes (on my PC) with her [email protected] so we could share pictures, ect..

But I am getting her email on my phone... We do not plan to use the phones for mail much, as we are both FOG's and the screen is to small..

Is there a way to link all three, without sharing the emails??


PS: phones are Verizon..

This should help: go to Settings - Mails, Contacts, Calendar. Tap the mail account, then you can deactivate Mails.

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