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Three years ago: iPad was announced

I have to laugh (mostly at myself). At the time, I was saying "what would be the point of one of these things"? I could not understand or visualize a need for it.

Took me 'til August 2010 to get one and haven't really put it down since. Heck, i'm now one of the iPad's biggest advocates and have an iPhone now, also! My girlfriend still laughs at me to this day (as I made the mistake of scoffing at the iPad in her presence)...


I didn't even know what an iPad was, let alone what it could do for me. Then I received my first iPhone (3GS) and fell in love with it, a mobile phone was just a necessity for me up until that point.

Well then I started looking into the iPad, and as there were already rumours of the ipad 2 being released, I decided to wait. 5 long months later I finally got one and instantly loved it and there hasn't been a day since that I haven't used it! :D
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