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apple campus 2

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    Apple’s Campus 2 is Looking Amazing on the Latest 4K Drone Footage

    Over the past few years we’ve watched as Apple’s incredible space-age Campus 2 building slowly took shape in California. More recently, with the availability of 4K drones, the footage has been particularly spectacular, and as Campus 2 nears its final completion date at the beginning of 2017, we...
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    Apple Campus 2 is Almost Finished

    Exciting times ahead for Apple as MacRumors reports that newly released drone footage reveals that the space-age Apple Campus 2 is almost ready to be unveiled to the public after more than 2 years of work. With the bulk of the important construction work complete, other elements such as solar...
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    New Drone Footage Gives Birds-Eye View of Apple Campus 2

    With Apple Campus 2 nearing its completion date at the end of this year, MacRumors reports on some excellent new drone footage, filmed by drone pilot Duncan Sinfield, which gives a great idea of just how far construction is progressing. During the past month more huge glass windows have been...