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display issues

  1. H

    Grey blurry lines, appear and slowly expanded, software/LCD or motherboard problem? 3 Opaque black ones now started, Ipad mini 4

    The lines started appearing out of nowhere, no hits, no water damage. At first it was only one line, the 2 and so on... Then they began in the other side of the screen. Now some months later opaque lines have started I know that in this model LCD and touchscreen are jointed, wonder if a...
  2. P

    Display Starting Problems

    Hey, I have a problem with my IPad. I started it and the screen has a black stripe on the display with white sides. It also wont react to any kind of touching. After some time the screen got darker and now i can barely see the stripe. I attached a picture of the screen. Does somebody know how...
  3. elv

    iPad 2 Mini - display issue

    Hello, I have been experiencing intermittent fuzzy display on my iPad 2 Mini for the past few months. It started without any apparent reason. As far a I know the iPad was not dropped. The intriguing part is that it is intermittent. Usually happens after turning on display for the first time on a...
  4. D

    iPad 2 Display problem

    Hello all, I'm having a problem with my son's iPad 2. The screen was cracked and I replaced it with a new screen/digitizer, but it's not displaying anything. Th iPad is getting power (or at least I think it is) as I can see a small white light activate on one of the corners of the LCD when I...