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ios 9

  1. J

    How to view, select, and copy webpage source code? Ipad iOS 9

    My friend needs to view, select, copy, and paste source code for webpages using Safari on iOS 9. She tells me she was able to do so "until an OS update last year". Now she can view source code for a website, but she cannot select it to copy and paste.
  2. M

    iOS 9 Adoption Rate Reaches 87%

    iDownload Blog reports that according to Apple’s latest figures, the iOS 9 adoption rate has now reached 87% of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices, representing a 1-point gain from a month ago. In this same period, iOS 8 fell from 11% to 10% of devices, possibly signifying that upgrades could...
  3. N

    Failed to synchronize with your opponent

    Hi, after updating to iOS 9 and updating fifa 15 UT to the New Season, the game keeps on disconnecting as soon as an online game session starts saying: ((failed to Synchronize with your opponent. The session has ended)) when I checked the logs on my iPad I noticed that the sessions that ended...
  4. ninan

    iOS 9 and Exchange

    I have failed to configure an Exchange mail account under iOS 9. The account worked ok earlier. Any suggestions?
  5. Jaxiep

    iPad mini 3 iOS 9 - notes app

    Anyone else managed to use the new features on the notes app since the upgrade to iOS 9? My iPad mini I can draw but not create checklists. My iPad 2 and iPhone 4S I can create checklists but cannot draw. What's going on? Any ideas?
  6. Kevin Almstedt

    Updated Ipad Air2 to iOS9 now video thumbnails missing

    After I updated my ipad air 2 to iOS 9 all my video thumbnails are missing. The cover picture is still there but when I see episode 1, 2.... it only shows a grey filmstrip. Any ideas why this happened??
  7. M

    iOS 9 Appears to be Crashing on Some Older Apple Devices

    Reuters reports today that what it says are a “significant” number of Apple customers are complaining that their iPhones or iPads are crashing when they try to install iOS 9. Apparently many very unhappy iPhone and iPad owners were complaining on Twitter and other social media about two faults...
  8. M

    iOS 8 Adoption Reaches 87%

    MacRumors reports that Apple has just published new figures about the uptake of iOS 8 on its App Store developer page, just before the launch of iOS 9 later today. According to Apple’s figures, iOS 8 has now been installed on 87% of user's devices, which is a little slower than iOS 7, which...