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smart speaker

  1. M

    The First HomePods Are Arriving

    It’s an exciting day today for anyone who pre-ordered Apple’s new HomePod smart speaker, with customers in Australia being the first to open theirs. After Australia came the United Kingdom, and then finally North America, with stores in all three of the HomePod launch countries opening at 8 a.m...
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    First HomePod Hands-On Review Outlines Privacy Safeguards

    9to5 Mac writes that according to the first hands-on HomePod review from Refinery29, Apple’s smart speaker, which will be available to pre-order from tomorrow, not only looks great, it also sounds better than Google Home Max, Amazon Echo, and Sonos One. The Refinery29 article also touched on...
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    Apple’s HomePod to Launch Within the Next 4 to 6 Weeks

    9to5 Mac reports today that analysts at GBH Insights are saying that Apple’s HomePod smart speaker is finally due to launch within the next 4 to 6 weeks. However, GBH says that Apple faces an “uphill climb” in the crowded smart speaker field, for two reasons in particular. Firstly, GBH...
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    Apple’s HomePod Smart Speaker is Unveiled at WWDC17

    Pretty much all the details about Apple’s new wireless smart speaker had already leaked ahead of time, but the company was still keeping us all guessing about the name. When Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing, Phil Schiller, announced that it would be called “HomePod” it was a...
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    Apple’s New Siri Speaker Could Launch at WWDC

    9to5 Mac reports that according to Bloomberg, Apple has already started manufacturing its Siri Speaker, ready for its launch at WWDC on Monday, June 5. Bloomberg’s sources say that Apple’s smart speaker will introduce “virtual surround sound technology” and integration with Apple products to...