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140,000 apps at your fingertips. From day one.


iPF Novice

Impressing number, eh? And counting... amazing.
Pad will work with almost all of the apps designed for the iPhone. Just download them from the App Store. Or, if you already have apps for your iPhone or iPod touch, you can sync them to iPad from your Mac or PC. Then run them in their original size or expand them to fill the screen. And developers are working on new apps designed specifically for this amazing device and all the things it can do.

Cool, huh?
Yes it is cool...

Everyday my iTunes keeps waiting to see that iPad connected so it can do some major app syncing.

I am really stoked about testing some of my favorite iPhone apps as well as the newly written ones from Apple and others. :comingsoon:
Which apps do you believe will be better on the iPad? I would say I am looking forward to using it for my scrabble game. It will be nice to be able to see those small letters easier. Also I enjoy Virtual Pool but will like that better on the larger screen as well. Heck, everything will be easier on the larger screen , right?
so it is confirmed that you will be able to plug in to itunes and sync your existing app purchases??? Man I hope so! I can't wait to play Fieldrunners on a big screen!
Which apps do you believe will be better on the iPad?

EarthWorm Jim and Settlers of Catan, at least in my App library. I may sound like a broken record but iTeleport (formerly jaadu vnc) and the like will most definitely benefit from the 10" screen.
I only have one mobile device (my iPod Touch). With my iPad 3G coming in late April or May I will have 2 devices to sync. I will like to sync a separate set of apps to these devices. For instance there's no point in putting iWorks in my iPod and some apps I rather leave out of my iPad. How will I go about syncing these two devices?
vonage will very probably work :)

As for me, I'm super excited about the Monkey Island Special Edition and Crayon Physics :)

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