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4.2 GM Just Released

Just wondering the looks on the faces in apple support center when someone non-dev arrives with an iPad running 4.2 GM and says he has got some serious complaints about the wifi. Will it void the warranty if someone without a dev account with apple load up the 4.2 GM before the release date?
iwhat, good evening.

Was very interested in your solution post, in particular where you said you could use your iphone as a hotspot. Could you explain this in laymans terms pse?
iwhat, good evening.

Was very interested in your solution post, in particular where you said you could use your iphone as a hotspot. Could you explain this in laymans terms pse?

Sorry to disappoint you friend. Its not an iPhone,it's just a samsung omnia which uses a software called "WMWifiRouter" to route a 3G connection via wifi acting as a hotspot. But I am sure there are ways which allows an iPhone to do the same thing using free apps rather than premium apps like WMWifiRouter,but since I don't have an iPhone I can't say,but I heard its possible. Just try googling a bit,and yes a jail broken iPhone is required unless your operator allows tethering.

Alas, if you are not a developer you cannot do a clean restore to 4.2 GM. But the next best thing would be to a clean restore to 3.2.2, setup as new, and then update to 4.2 GM before syncing or anything else.

That's not true. I'm not a developer and I did a clean full restore to 4.2 GM. Just hit shift+restore (in Windows) and browse to the GM firmware.
(Although I did got back to JB'n 3.21 because of wifi issues).

You might have hit shift-update and didn't realize it. It is well known that shift-restore is very problematic. I didn't just make that up.
iwhat, good evening.

Was very interested in your solution post, in particular where you said you could use your iphone as a hotspot. Could you explain this in laymans terms pse?
He doesn't use an iPhone... he said cellphone. ;)

But I use my iPhone 4 as a WiFi hotspot primarily for my iPad. I use MyWi, which is a Cydia (jailbreak) app and it was $20. But it works great.

It can not only turn the iPhone into a WiFi hotspot, it can also tether to a laptop or other device via Bluetooth.

Can tether a pc/mac via USB too which is less draining on the batteries in both. Or it can share its WiFi Internet connection to a pc/mac via USB. Might seem odd to do this but there are places where my iPhone gets free wifi whereas my laptop would not (e.g., at&t hotspots). So I can get the WiFi on iPhone and then share it with laptop via USB. I have even done that and then shared the USB internet connection on my laptop with its wifi connect to feed my wifi only iPAd. Yes that sounds convoluted but I did it and it worked. :)

Alas, if you are not a developer you cannot do a clean restore to 4.2 GM. But the next best thing would be to a clean restore to 3.2.2, setup as new, and then update to 4.2 GM before syncing or anything else.
That's not true. I'm not a developer and I did a clean full restore to 4.2 GM. Just hit shift+restore (in Windows) and browse to the GM firmware.
(Although I did got back to JB'n 3.21 because of wifi issues).
You might have hit shift-update and didn't realize it. It is well known that shift-restore is very problematic. I didn't just make that up.

lol I assure you I don't do anything 'without realizing' it. I wanted a clean install, I chose restore.
I never said you made it up. Just that the statement 'it can't be done' isn't true :-)
Holy sh*t! Is this really possible? I mean my wifi problem is completely gone!!!! I was so angry with my router that I almost kicked it out of the window when all of a sudden it came to me!! I tried to downgrade to 3.2.2 but it always failed. So out of frustration I did a restore with the GM version. But nothing solved the problem of wifi. When trying to play around with my cellphone,it dawned on me that my cellphone can share data connection with other wifi devices by acting as a hotspot. I fired up the routing software,went on with the basic configuration,but no good,still wifi did receive those weird ips and hence no connection. Then reviewing through the configuration again an option which says "Channel 1 is the default,but feel free to play around with other channels and see which one works best for you..." I changed the channel,fired up again and when ready I tried again to connect iPad. Then it happened,the blessing. My iPad asked for the password,I entered it and hit join hoping it won't work,the same fast connection and the full wifi signal bar,but firing up the safari and went to apple to see if the GM is released already. The page loaded super fast! I loaded other sites and it worked. I immediately disconnected,and reconnectd again,and it was a blazing fast connection,safari again loaded my pages. I disconnected,reconfigured To channel 1,then tried reconnecting but the dead wifi connection returned,invalid ip and no connection. Then I changed to a new channel and tried reconnecting,it worked again and everything was fine. I think it's the channel that is playing the trick. I suggest people try it.Change the channel. Best of all it's blazing fast,faster than 3.2.2 both the connecting and the browsing,and what really amazing about the GM version is the wifi bar is full which rarely happened when in 3.2.2 even siting right next to the router gave me only 1 to 2 bars,but now sitting away across the room gives me the full/3bars. I suggest people facing the wifi issue,try changing your router to different channel. If it can help mine(iPad 3G) it will probably Work for you.


I have successfully downgraded to 3.2.2 by following instructions on the net (used tiny umbrella to come out of restore mode! And I am happy guy again. I am not missing any the iOS 4.2 features. To me connectivity is the most important thing than folders and printers. Mine is 3G model.
I am not really sure as to why that wifi issue occured but its gone now. I can now even use the channel 1 as usual and to be honest wifi quality is 10x better than 3.2.2. I think what really caused the problem is the update,I am not sure as to why but I feel like instead of update if I restore it, its better. And yes restore is possible for 4.2GM,all I did was hold shift and hit the restore button,directed to the 4.2 gm firmware and started praying.As my iPad was in recovery mode after a failed restore attempt to 3.2.2 and check update button was completely disabled so no other options existed,hence tried the restore and found the restore is possible. Why I didn't use tiny umbrella was because it might kill my iPad as the restore to 3.2.2 proceeded to about 70% when the error showed up. So far my iPad has been fast and though seem fictionish but the battery life seems to increase a bit too. So far no issues. But yes there are issues with the 4.2GM,but the problem is somewhere else. The iTunes is the problem now,it crashes more than ever,and this happens when I try to scroll down to the last few apps in the apps tab. The crash is like this,the whole iTunes goes white like a white paper,then I have to hit alt+f4. I can't use the good iTunes as only the beta one will allow me to access and sync the 4.2gm version. After the beta is fixed I wont be having anymore problems. Overall if it concerns connectivity then I can say my 3G connection seems much faster and wifi is awesome. After the restore to 4.2gm and playing with the channel and reverting back I didn't notice anymore issues with wifi,no wifi connection drop. I think a restore instead of update can be the answer to wifi issues probably,as a complete restore kick out the debris left by the old os but then again it's me and my 3G iPad and as experts say,experience varies from user to user and machine to machine.

My WiFi problem came back again this morning. Didn't do anything new.... it just stopped. iPhone right beside iPad was fine. Reset iPad and it still was iffy on wifi. One more reset and forgetting and rejoing WLAN seems to have made it ok again.

If it allows you to install via restore--and you are not a registered developer--then it is a change from the betas. Maybe I will try that and if it doesn't work go back to beta 3. Well I can try it no matter what since I AM a registered developer lol.

I don't like wondering if wifi is working or not.... Or if a delay when opening an app is just a normal delay or that it can't get Internet access. I find myself using a weather app just to test for connectivity. I was doing good too till this morning. Maybe it's possessed and the demon has moved from SOMEONE else's iPad to mine. ;)
I can assure you that I am not a registered dev,well I am not even a dev,just a regular guy with a free US itunes account. I confirm that the restore does work from the downloaded 4.2 GM(leaked one) with a code "8C134", I went to settings->general->about page and the version reads 4.2 (8C134) but didnt have the text "GM" anywhere though.iTunes did two verification during the restore ,the first one said "Verifying the restore with apple" or similar which got me praying and the last one said"verifying restore something something" (where something means I forgot what it was) and then my iPad went all black and iTunes asked me to keep it plugged in just like any other restore process.When the ipad came around itunes just activated it. I didnt do any restore from my old backups,just resync and reinstall each app,thought it might screwup restoring old stuff. The wifi issue seemed to vanish once I changed the channel and then reverted back to the old channel. Now I am not sure why it happened earlier after the update and before the restore, but my iPad now works with all the secure and non-secure hotspots that I can find,even the ones with which I had problems on 3.2.2 which is a good thing. I will be glad to answer any more of the questions related to the restore.


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