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60 seconds Wifi drop out

Hello, I am new here and would really appreciate some help with a wifi issue i am having.

I have discovered a problem on all my apple devices, Iphone 4s on IOS 5.1.1. 2 x IPad 2 on IOS6.1

This is the problem:

I am using the devices to run a App called Motioncontrol, it is used to remotely control a professional audio digital signal processor call BSS Soundweb London, the app enables you to turn volumes up and down on an installed sound system in a club/bar/church etc...using an iphone or ipad.

The BSS processor is connected to an Ethernet router, so is a Wireless access point. You have to set the BSS processor on a static IP address, then when you connect to the WAP with the Ipad or iphone you set the wifi network to static IP, I put in the IP address and subnet mask and security key. When you do this for the first time it connects fine and the wifi is solid forever. When the Ipads or iphone are turned off then on the wifi reconnects to the network automatically then every 60 seconds, I timed it for 20 minutes to confirm the time gaps, the wifi drops out for 5-8 seconds then reconnects.

If I forget the network then reconnect putting in all the details again the connection is solid, then when its turned off the problem comes back when the device is turned back on again and so on....the problem does not seem connected to the app as it does it without the app running in the back ground.

Any advice greatly received.
Hi Jeff - just been through a very similar experience - did you find a resolution to your problem? I had a very similar problem. In short, the only way I could stop the iPad dropping every 60 seconds was to introduce a DHCP server into the system and take the iPad off a static IP. I have an iPad running CommandFusion iViewer4 connected to a Crestron system which controls a Peavey Nion DSP. Cheers, Greg

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