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A beginner from burma.

Than Lwin

iPF Noob
Dear all,
I am 64Gb wifi iOS3.2.2 new ipad owner.
I cann't read pdf files on my ipad. ( I live in Burma, Where no itunes stores supported, with very slow connection & very often stopped internet connection.I downloaded " Calibre " apps and converted pdf files to epub files, then tranfer those epub files to ipad.But no display on ipad. After that, I download ibook apps (16460 Kb) By flashget downloader . I try many times to install that software to ipad . I don't know how to put ibook software on my desktop to ipad library or Apps pane of my ipad.
I posted about this problem one week ogo, but nobody replies me.
Can you again please help me?
Than Lwin.
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Dear Lwin,
You must have some app that can view the pdf or you must download iBooks first. I know how painful it is with the internet around there(I am right there beside you in the next country). But to install any app whatsoever you must have an itunes account which you can get for free if you can do a little search in google,and download all the apps in itunes using that account.

So after googling a little you'll find that you can register a free US itunes account,once done you sign in using that account into itunes,download ibooks and then install it to ipad. Since you can use calibre and flashget and actually downloaded ibooks using flashget without using itunes,I am guessing you have sound technical knowledge.So I'll make it brief: Once ibooks is installed,just copy all the ebooks(both pdf and epub are supported by ibooks) to a nice folder that you shouldn't delete. Then select all the books and drag them into itunes window. Finally hit the "books" pan in the white area of itunes where you see things like "Summary Information Apps Music...",when you have connected your ipad and selected it in itunes. just hit the books pan and hit Sync button. Once sync is complete,just go back to ipad and hit ibooks icon and there are your ebooks.

(P.S: If you need detailed help then let me know.)
Dear iwhat,
Thanks alot for your kindness and quick reply. My area is not supported by itunes store and moreover, I have no payment account too. So I have no chance to create
itunes account. I can't use itunes to download iBooks.
Anyway I have downloaded iBooks App by other way.
I only need the way how to install that iBooks App to ipad.

Thanks again,
Than Lwin.
Dear iwhat,
Thanks alot for your kindness and quick reply. My area is not supported by itunes store and moreover, I have no payment account too. So I have no chance to create
itunes account. I can't use itunes to download iBooks.
Anyway I have downloaded iBooks App by other way.
I only need the way how to install that iBooks App to ipad.

Thanks again,
Than Lwin.

Lwin,you are not trying to understand my point. You can't install anything unless you are authorized by an iTunes account in iTunes. To get a free itunes account,try googling. You can register free iTunes account WHICH DOESN'T REQUIRE ANY MONEY UNLESS YOU PURCHASE ANY PREMIUM APP/material. since my country isn't also supported so I use the free iTunes account too.

Please get an iTunes account first and then continue. Without any iTunes account you won't get anywhere with app installation in iPad. Installing app is not possible without an itunes account in legit ways.

Since its not legit to post information that aren't meant to be used the way you are going to,so PM me your email or msn id so I can explain how to google for or get a free iTunes account.
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i sign pdf app

Good evening ! I've just purchased the isignpdf app in my ipad. It says to simply download any pdf file and I'll be able to sign on the screen. I've sent myself a pdf file by e-mail, like I'm supposed to do. But then what? Does anyone know who to get it into the app? I've called Apple Care, I've called everywhere!
Good evening ! I've just purchased the isignpdf app in my ipad. It says to simply download any pdf file and I'll be able to sign on the screen. I've sent myself a pdf file by e-mail, like I'm supposed to do. But then what? Does anyone know who to get it into the app? I've called Apple Care, I've called everywhere!

If you open your e-mail where your pdf attachment is, hold to that attachment a pop out appears asking you what app will you use to open that attachment
. your isignpdf app should be there.
isign pdf

Thank you! that's all it took. now I'm exploring other features. Enjoying ipad and my imac. Apple world is good!

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