Hi. Welcome to the forum. Good to "see" you and hope you enjoy your visit(s).
I've had my iPad 2 for a little while and I am Jailbroken on 4.3.3.
I have a few question to ask you guys
1) Can the "Picture Frame" on the lockscreen be removed without having a passcode on
Sure can - on a jail broken iPad, as yours is. Not to toot my own horn

D), but here's a link to the process I wrote to get rid of that pesky little flower icon:
Very simple process - but, if not, ask for clarification if you need it...
2) Is it possible to enable tabs in Safari without upgrading to iOS 5?
Unfortunately, no. Safari got tabs with iOS 5 and no one ever tried to tweak the lower firmware versions to make tabs. Sorry. But, relatively inexpensive web browsers such as Atomic Web Browser and iCab Mobile have tabs. Plus, you can download a tweak from Cydia called Browser Changer that will allow you to set many browsers as default. For example, I have Atomic Web as my default, so whenever the web browser is called, that opens instead of Safari. The main reason I use that browser and tweak IS for the tabs, so maybe that'll do for you...?
3) I am unable to find the files that allow the folder icons to be changed
I don't quite understand what you mean by this? You mean, add a theme from Cydia to change the appearance of the folders? Build your own folders? IOW, you'll have to be a bit more specific with this question.
Oh, and I've moved your thread over to the Hacking section, since you have a jail broke iPad. Maybe someone over there can chime in about your Safari/tabs and folders questions.