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Absinthe 2.02 loop


iPF Noob
Hey guys, I own a 64 gb iPad 2 wifi only. I have currently upgraded my software to iOS 5.1.1 and downloaded Absinthe 2.02 to jailbreak.
The only time I can get Cydia onto the iPad is if I set it up as a new iPad. I currently have over 300 ebooks/PDFs, some of which I cannot obtain again and most of which I cannot find a way to transfer to my computer (short of buying $40+ software, which I really don't want to do).
I tried to restore from backup, after setting up as new, and the process removed Cydia :(
I've tried running Absinthe after a fresh iOS and restore from iCloud backup. And I get a loop.. Absinthe crashes, and does 1-"you have tried to jb this device, we shall try and repair" 2- "you may now unplug and replug your device to jb again" their just goes through 1,2,1,2 etc

Is there a way to do this? What have I done wrong? Apps I don't care about so much as my ebooks..

EDIT: forgot to mention my 64gb iPhone 4s jailbroke fine after restoring from iCloud back up.
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EDIT: sorry if it's against rules but it has been 24+ hours...

Still no luck with my jailbreak :(
The only way I can get my books to 'reappear' on the iPad is via using the iCloud setup option.
Is there anyway I can setup the iPad as new, then get my iCloud backup over the top AFTER I successfully jailbroken?
I've never see. A normal restore from backup remove cydia. Are you sure you are doing just a restore and not a DFU restore?

You just need to connect to iTunes and clicking restore from backup should present you with options for which of the latest backups to use by time stored.
zphone said:
I've never see. A normal restore from backup remove cydia. Are you sure you are doing just a restore and not a DFU restore?

You just need to connect to iTunes and clicking restore from backup should present you with options for which of the latest backups to use by time stored.

I need to restore from the cloud though.. Otherwise i lose my books, they don't reappear from the computer back up.. :S and absinthe doesn't want to run on my iPad when iTunes is downloading my apps and stuff.
i did my jailbreak the other night .. and everything worrked well ..

after the jailbreak process completed, try to open and run cydia first in your ipad ..

run a "restore from back up" from the left column in itunes after cydia setting was completed.

i got all my settings, contacts, photo, email, ebooks, music,video, all apps backed in ..
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nammi said:
i did my jailbreak the other night .. and everything worrked well ..

after the jailbreak process completed, try to open and run cydia first in your ipad ..

run a "restore from back up" from the left column in itunes after cydia setting was completed.

i got all my settings, contacts, photo, email, ebooks, music,video, all apps backed in ..

Is there a way to do this with a restore FROM the Cloud? I'm hopefully going to have another go tonight.. With my iPad (not just this time but times before) if I restore from backup via the computer all I get back onto my iPad is my settings and email accounts etc.. No apps, no books and no photos. Whereas restoring from the cloud back up I get all of it back :s
Just my two cents - I had the same effect on restore from ITunes.It only restored the native IPad apps. But when I installed the apps back again manually from App Store all my pdf's, game states etc. were all present again. I think the Backup stores the related apps directories but not the app itself.

That was the case with Kindle, Goodreader and Cloudreaders. All the PDF's were present again.The only app with which I lost stuff on installing again was Apple's own IBooks.
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W0lfgang said:
Just my two cents - I had the same effect on restore from ITunes.It only restored the native IPad apps. But when I installed the apps back again manually from App Store all my pdf's, game states etc. were all present again. I think the Backup stores the related apps directories but not the app itself.

That was the case with Kindle, Goodreader and Cloudreaders. All the PDF's were present again.The only app with which I lost stuff on installing again was Apple's own IBooks.

All my stuff is in apples iBooks :(
I'm presuming those arent purchased ones or you could sync them with your IPhone.

As Nammi mentions, this time when you succesfully jailbreak the "new" ipad, first run Cydia once. It builds it's support filesystem. Then try Restoring from the cloud. Hope it works.
beavery said:
Is there a way to do this with a restore FROM the Cloud? I'm hopefully going to have another go tonight.. With my iPad (not just this time but times before) if I restore from backup via the computer all I get back onto my iPad is my settings and email accounts etc.. No apps, no books and no photos. Whereas restoring from the cloud back up I get all of it back :s

i just completed updating and jailbraking my iphone 4s and my ipod after i succesfully jailbraked my ipad .. and nothing got lost at all in the process

I did a back up to both icloud and the computer (mac) before restoring ..
i restored as a new device
Did the jailbraking process with a "clean" device and only stock apps, using absinthe 2.0.4
Set cydia to run after jailbreaking has been completed
Opened up i-tunes after setting cydia
Click "restore" on the ipad name on the left column in itunes ... . ( > the itunes main screen indicated the name of the device which you wanted to restore from and the last date of back up)
i-tunes would come to the "register" page .after restore . (i choose register later)
Click "sync" on the main page ... and i tunes will sync back all of the contents .. (the longest process and waitimg time ..)

And thats it .. i hope this will help .. maybe a more expert moderator can assist better ..?
Is there a way to do this with a restore FROM the Cloud? I'm hopefully going to have another go tonight.. With my iPad (not just this time but times before) if I restore from backup via the computer all I get back onto my iPad is my settings and email accounts etc.. No apps, no books and no photos. Whereas restoring from the cloud back up I get all of it back :s

Heres an idea; why don't you restore with iCloud, back your iPad up to your computer and then perform the jailbreak. After you can restore straight from your computer and do not have to do the whole iCloud hassle
nammi said:
mind sharing with us all what'd you do to solve the prblm ?

Any solution to a problem that our members discover and post cannot but help others with the same or similar problems.
All I did was download and install absinthe 2.04 :S
Everything else was the same.
iTunes -> restore -> on iPad use my iCloud backup -> wait for apple to do its thing -> run absinthe and wait again...

Edit: I did infant get all my books back and it 'redownloaded' my apps onto the iPad but there was no app data that came through. Starting all my games again :S
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