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access to US store


iPF Noob

If I buy an iPad in Spain, will I have access to buy the same iBooks as if I had bought it in the US? I'm not asking if I can buy translated books, but the original version.

Thank you.
If you want more than the available free books you also need someone who buys you an american itunes giftcard besides an us-id. You can create 2 accounts, but money is non transferable (I tried for the same reasons). If you set up an account in Euros, this account will be stuck with your country due to currency reasons. And I haven't sent any of my friends to walmart yet to get me an itunes-giftcard-code.
It's possible to get US iTunes cards via well known internet auction sites. If you mail them and request they email you the code they might do, although I believe Apple T&C's state you have to get the physical card.. But meh... ;)
Hi I have US account even, i live in Singapore time to time some friend buy me online iTunes card , i have keep my previous itunes account just change the country and give a US itunes card number as payment … it work fine … concerning the book is a little different as in US iBooks you have 60% to 70% english and the balance is in spanish …

paid attention to the fact some spanish app’s will not be available in US market (copyright reason) like many US are not available outside US itunes store (like scrabble)
... just change the country and give a US itunes card number as payment … it work fine …

You've got to be careful with this one. I tried it and it wouldn't let me change my country because I still had some 20 Euro cents on my account. It told me that as long as I have european currency on my account, I cannot switch. And it's really hard "exactly" get down to 0 cents when you charge up an account.
Terms of Service

Apple's iTunes Store Terms of Service for US Customers says:

The Service is available to you only in the United States, its territories, and possessions. You agree not to use or attempt to use the Service from outside these locations. Apple may use technologies to verify your compliance.

Presumably, you risk them doing something unpleasant if they find you've violated this provision. :(
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Apple's iTunes Store Terms of Service for US Customers says:

The Service is available to you only in the United States, its territories, and possessions. You agree not to use or attempt to use the Service from outside these locations. Apple may use technologies to verify your compliance.

Presumably, you risk them doing something unpleasant if they find you've violated this provision. :(

You surely do....
As a bilingual speaker though, I don't want to get restricted by a company's terms. And there's still the weber app which I'd love to have.
I didn't ask my friends yet for a US itunes card, but I surely will some time.
Apple's iTunes Store Terms of Service for US Customers says:

The Service is available to you only in the United States, its territories, and possessions. You agree not to use or attempt to use the Service from outside these locations. Apple may use technologies to verify your compliance.

Presumably, you risk them doing something unpleasant if they find you've violated this provision. :(

You surely do....
As a bilingual speaker though, I don't want to get restricted by a company's terms. And there's still the weber app which I'd love to have.
I didn't ask my friends yet for a US itunes card, but I surely will some time.

Someone told me that Apple finds this to be the easiest way of not running afoul of licensing and other limitations on sale of books, etc. But it's a huge problem in a global environment. I am addicted to "Krimi" books (Mystery storys) but can't gain access to many of them because I'm living in the US and my favorite authors aren't available in English. I never thought of having relatives send me iTunes gift cards from home. ;) This Forum is really helpful.
Apple's iTunes Store Terms of Service for US Customers says:

The Service is available to you only in the United States, its territories, and possessions. You agree not to use or attempt to use the Service from outside these locations. Apple may use technologies to verify your compliance.

Presumably, you risk them doing something unpleasant if they find you've violated this provision. :(

You surely do....
As a bilingual speaker though, I don't want to get restricted by a company's terms. And there's still the weber app which I'd love to have.
I didn't ask my friends yet for a US itunes card, but I surely will some time.

Someone told me that Apple finds this to be the easiest way of not running afoul of licensing and other limitations on sale of books, etc. But it's a huge problem in a global environment. I am addicted to "Krimi" books (Mystery storys) but can't gain access to many of them because I'm living in the US and my favorite authors aren't available in English. I never thought of having relatives send me iTunes gift cards from home. ;) This Forum is really helpful.

Guess what:
instead of bothering friends (I lived in NC for 3 years) or family, we could just go and get itunes cards for each other!!!
I don't care about the exchange rate, so I would take $15-card for Euro15-card.
I've seen a lot that nominal prices for gadgets and such were pretty similar here and in the US.
We could possibly pm for that if you'd like :)

You do know that you can read ebooks from a lot of sources other than iTunes, no? Auf Deutsch und verschiedene andere sprachen
Vielen Dank

You do know that you can read ebooks from a lot of sources other than iTunes, no? Auf Deutsch und verschiedene andere sprachen

Thank you :), yes, I've found a few. Project Gutenberg for one and this one:

Adobe eBook Mall

has links to five or six -.de sources.

It did surprise me, however, that Apple - which supports languages other than English better than most (think Kindle, Android) - limited iTunes usage to the country in which one happens to reside at the moment. ;) I don't have a lot of spare time and although not a big deal, if Apple had a huge supply of Krimis auf Deutsch it would be nice.

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