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iPF Noob
I all I'm new here and new to iPads I live in France but don't have a huge grip on the language
It seems I can only buy from the French stores for both apps and musis I have registered my French card as I no longer have a uk bank card
But it won't allow this payment through the uk store any ideas on ways around this if I buy a French gift card will it work with the uk store
No - a French Gift card won't work but you can purchase UK Gift Cards on the Internet. Since you only need the ID code from the rear of the card the retailer can email it to you and you're good to go. For sure, you don't need a credit card...

There's an Apple 'White Paper' on this that I can send you if you want more details....

Several Members have done this so there's no problem....

Let me know if you need any further information.....

I'm one of them ...
I'm french ,living in Paris and really don't like the appstore or iTunes here so I have a US account (I brought back gift cards last time I was there) and a UK account , I found the gift card on the Internet .
Yes please tim can you send the White paper I'll have a read you say I don't need a credit card how do you pay for it ?
Ps thanks for taking time to reply

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