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Accidental deletion


iPF Noob
I use Docs to Go to copy files from my desktop to the iPad. I accidentally deleted a very important folder from the Hard Drive. I have a backup on the iPad. Could someone walk me through restoring back to my Desktop what I have in that folder on my iPad? I can't afford to botch this or I'll lose months of work that can't be replaced. Could someone help me please.
Are you using Windows or Mac? Windows, you should be able to go to the Recycle Bin to restore the folder and its contents. On a Mac, you can go to the Trash can.
PC! I use Docs To Go file transfer program. There should be a way to copy files in the opposite direction ... that is from the device back to the hard drive. iTunes is no help here as they do not show up there
I don't have Docs to Go (I have Office HD) but I'm guessing it does have Dropbox capability. Instsll Dropbox on your Mac, download the Dropbox app to your Ipad (both free). Then upload your file from Docs to Go to Dropbox, open it in Dropbox on your Mac and save it on your Mac.
I have a PC, but it might work. However we are talking about several thousand files. Docs to Go is fast from PC to the iPad. If it would only work in the opposite direction. I'll keep hoping someone who has used it for this purpose will post. Thanks for the help anyway
jerliz said:
I have a PC, but it might work. However we are talking about several thousand files. Docs to Go is fast from PC to the iPad. If it would only work in the opposite direction. I'll keep hoping someone who has used it for this purpose will post. Thanks for the help anyway

Documents to Go does have a 2-way Wifi sync. So it should sync the files from the Docs to Go app onto the Docs to Go desktop application. Or are you saying, that the documents are not synchronized via the desktop Docts to Go application?
PC user for about 25 years. New to the Apple world. I have been syncing new files added to my hard drive to the iPad using Docs to Go. I am not sure how to reverse this. Since I deleted the files on the PC accidently, I don't want the iPad to follow suit and delete them also. Any help here, detailed, would be appreciated very much
If I follow my usual procedure when wanting to update the iPad, are you saying that the the sync will take place with the iPad copying the files from its memory back to the PC. Any special setting here, as, I don't want the iPad to delete the files to match the hard drive
Documents2Go will allow you to WiFi transfer files from your iPad to a PC/Mac. If you don't already have the PC/Mac program loaded, you can get it here: Download. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the download link.

If you've not ever sync'd your computer and the iPad up, you'll have to do that, but once you do, you'll be able to access the files in your Docs2Go.

I don't remember the steps for syncing and set-up, as I did it a while ago - but I know that on my Windows 7 PC, my Docs2Go has a file folder under the "My Documents" on my PC. I can go in there and add, remove, edit, etc. files. Very simple process, once the two are sync'd.

The good news is - you CAN get at that file. May take a bit of fiddling (the bad news) but you can do it.

Good luck.


P.S. And syncing the two doesn't mean like iTunes, where the data is erased. It's just where the two devices (computer and iPad) learn how to talk to each other...
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I dont use the desktop sync, only the cloud through Dropbox. However, you should be able to go into the settings and specify which device should be master. Instead of a Sync, it would be a Copy.
The Wi-fi methods the others are talking about are probably your best solution, but if you are having problems with them you you can use iTunes.

First, open iTunes, open Preferences, go to the Devices tab and turn off auto sync. This isn't necessary, but it's a good idea as a general practice. It gives you more control over when syncing and backups occur.

Now connect the iPad to the computer. In iTunes select the iPad from the Devices list. Go to the Apps tab at the top and scroll to the bottom of the page. Here you will find the File Sharing section.

Select Docs2Go from the list of apps at the left. To the right you should see all the documents you have in the app. Drag and drop to make copies. As long as you do not intentionally delete them (by hitting delete on the keyboard) you will only be making copies, so you originals on the iPad are safe.

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