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Adding websites to home screen


iPF Noob
I have several websites on my home screen . I have placed them in folders on my home screen for easy access.What does this do to the performance of the iPad? I have an iPad 1. Just wondering if it would be better to bookmark the websites in Safari.
Jmariew said:
I have several websites on my home screen . I have placed them in folders on my home screen for easy access.What does this do to the performance of the iPad? I have an iPad 1. Just wondering if it would be better to bookmark the websites in Safari.

Rest assured it will have zero impact. It's simply a web shortcut and they use no more appreciable resources over any other method of bookmarking. Don't sweat it :)
Doesn't do anything, that I know of. It's a major design feature of the iPad (built right into Safari), so I can't see how Apple would allow it to bork up the iPad.

I've had those types of bookmarks on my iPad for many, many months. As far as I can tell, I've had no trouble with them. 'Sides, they are very handy, aren't they? I know lots of people here that do as you do - make folders of the various bookmarks. Never heard of any troubles...

So, while this is the advice of one anonymous person on the Interwebz, I say go on and enjoy your bookmarks. There's no harm in using them. And, it's one step less than using book marks in Safari ... :D

Hope this reassures.


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