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Adobe Accidentally Says the iPad Pro Ships with 4GB of RAM


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ipad pro 4gb ram.webp

Adobe has published a press release on Wednesday meant to highlight its new Creative Cloud mobile apps. But the company has also inadvertently revealed that the new iPad Pro has 4GB of RAM. Adobe initially said the following:

""During Apple's keynote, we also demonstrated the extraordinary speed and precision of Adobe's Creative Cloud mobile apps on Apple's new iPad Pro. iPad Pro is great for creative workflows with a high res 12.9-inch touch screen display at 2732 x 2048 pixels, A9X chip, and 4GB RAM."

Apple does not list the iPad Pro's RAM on the device's tech specs page, and the company hasn't commented yet on Adobe's assertion. However, since then, Adobe has removed reference to both the 4GB of RAM and the processor.

If Apple doesn't release an official comment regarding this situation, then we'll have to wait for teardown experts to reveal what exactly lies hidden inside the new iPad Pro.

Source: Zdnet

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