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Airport City Trading Centre

You will either have to fly to get the launch consoles or buy them. I, and a few other players, are trying to get them from flights. When you finish the Big Brother collection a new task will pop up telling you to launch your OLD rocket. As soon as you launch it, you'll run through a series of tasks until the consoles are available from flights to Canary Islands, Nice, Shanghai and Berlin. The first task is to visit neighbours' newspaper stands, then aviation museums, and friends' cottages. Then a new flight becomes available to Tungaska where you pick up a laser cannon. Next you visit friends' research labs, fly to Washington to pick up something ( can't remember) and then the consoles become available on the flights I mentioned above. Sounds complicated but I managed to complete all the tasks during one set of visits. I know others haven't been as lucky but . . . I may end up buying the consoles if I run out of time but I think it's worth a try. Good Luck!

Wow....all that for 4 consoles! Wish I'd bought 96 notes now when they were 300% extra! Looks like I'll have pay top dollar now for 32 notes to finish it!

Thanks for your response!
From my experience today I'd go with the first one as I'm currently stranded in wakko's 'Phantom launch'...I went with the time that had the longest time left.

I've just started a launch on the old pad, please join me if you can as its task bit that I need to complete!

Thanks! Xx

Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume

I've just started a launch on the old pad, please join me if you can as its task bit that I need to complete!

Thanks! Xx

Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume

Jumped in, but on the first one - can see you in there with 6 pts only?
Cn anyone remember, if someone is showing two launches, which one do you join? Is it the one started FIRST, in time, i.e. with the shortest amount left, or the other one?

Yeah, pretty sure it's the 2nd one u have to join

captain flop (level 37) duty free items especially choc candies (the rectangular box) and single malt, passengers, fuel, repair items. Thank you, I love u all ;)
Yeah, pretty sure it's the 2nd one u have to join

captain flop (level 37) duty free items especially choc candies (the rectangular box) and single malt, passengers, fuel, repair items. Thank you, I love u all ;)

Another 24 hours of my life that GI owe me...
Started a launch pad2, will be quick one( sorry fred, but I want to be first)

That's ok only. 12 points left and second place gets same numbers of items for collection based on my tests so far

lv40 163 stars. Nav module,beacons,props please
Wow....all that for 4 consoles! Wish I'd bought 96 notes now when they were 300% extra! Looks like I'll have pay top dollar now for 32 notes to finish it!

Thanks for your response!

If you have time, the tasks really aren't difficult and if you plan carefully you should be able to finish in one or two visiting sessions. I'm flying for the consoles and if the drop rates are poor and I run out of time I'll buy them. I really hate spending real $$$ on this games especially with all the problems we've had!
Another 24 hours of my life that GI owe me...

I've quit joining neighbours when they have two launches showing. I always pick the wrong one (!!!) and I'm left sitting there all by myself waiting for the timer to run down.
Jumped in, but on the first one - can see you in there with 6 pts only?

I've got over 700 in, must be a dupe again!

Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume
Anyone you can join me on an old launch, if you see 2 join the second one as the first ones seems to be the empty one.... Thanks for trying anyway rickcc

Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume
Have sent request. Can send solar cell but don't need antenna. Can u return duty free stuff or repair stuff - cockpit glass or something. Thx

captain flop (level 37) duty free items especially choc candies (the rectangular box) and single malt, passengers, fuel, repair items. Thank you, I love u all ;)

I added you too, I can send solar cells but really need the launch consoles.


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