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airport express


iPF Noob
May 7, 2012
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I purchased an ipad with the notion of using it as my sole home computer. Therefore, I purchased an airport express to provide wifi to my house. I wasn't sure if I could set it up with just the ipad, but I gave it a shot and got as far as naming the gadget and providing a password. It didn't work. I brought a windows computer home and installed airport utility. It still didn't work. I hooked up the airport express at the office and it worked fine. While I was on the internet, I installed airport utility on the ipad and tried it again at home. No soap. I then tried resetting it a couple times, eventually changing the name that I'd originally assigned it. Still no soap. The ipad recognizes the airport express, says it's got a strong signal, but won't connect to it. Actually, the airport utility says it is "disconnected." I might think that the airport express and my motorala modem were incompatible, but before my imac was stolen, I'd had an airport express hooked up and it worked fine. Anybody have a similar problem that got fixed?
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I'm sorry I'm not much help with your problem and hopefully someone will be along soon that can help you. In the meanwhile here are a few links you may find useful.

We also have our own App - Its pretty easy to use.

We have an iPad manual available for download incase you ever need it.

Here are a couple links that may prove useful.

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We hope you enjoy your time here!
First at home you need to know if your motorolla modem (and thus your internet provider) is expecting your airport express to be in the DHCP mode or use a supplied IP address. Make sure your airport express connects to your motorolla modem or you will not get anywhere.

By your description it sounds like the airport express is set to DHCP, that is why it works in other places outside your home. I am guessing it is a configuration problem that your internet (cable?) provider can help you solve.
Thanks Magpiemini! I knew someone would come along with a solution. That's why I love this forum and it's members! Always helping each other!

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