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Album artwork out of sync on iPad 2


iPF Noob
I recently synced my iPhone and iPad 2 with itunes following a complete erase and reload of my music files on my PC. I synced my iPhone first which worked fine. I then tried to sync my iPad but the album artwork hasn't applied correctly in some cases, i.e. the artwork doesn't match the album in roughly 30% of my collection. itunes is fine and my iPhone 4s is fine too, just the iPad.

Anything I may be missing?

Yes, same problem !

Situation : New MacBook sync with existing Ipad2 : the fist sync wiped the iPad of all existing music (naturally !!!) which had been in sync with my WinPC. Before syncing I had deauthorised the the WinPC.

I have now repeated the sync process on the Mac with selected albums 4 times with variable results none of which are correct. We are not the only people with this problem see Apple Communities.

Therefore I am looking for an App that will transfer music ( perhaps video) like Phototransfer without the need to use iTunes.

I would appreciate any input from other users.

Many thanks in advance.
Before restoring it, try unchecking "display album artwork" in the music preferences section when your iPad is connected and click "apply". Then sync your iPad.

Then check "display album artwork" in the music preferences section when your iPad is connected and click "apply". Then sync your iPad again.

This should resync the album artwork to the iPad.

Read more at http://www.transfer-iphone-recovery.com/ipad-transfer-tutorials.html
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