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Alias from Gmail


iPF Noob
I have three different email accounts that I use for work. I have them all forwarded to gmail. When a client emails me, I have to email them back from a specific email. However, when I am on the road, I cannot send emails from gmail on my iphone or ipad because they always come up with my gmial address and not on of my alias.

I have tried going to gmail.com, loading the desktop view, and sending from there, but that does not seem work.

Does anyone have a solution?

This is not really the answer to your specific question but if you subscribe to MobileMe then you can do something about this

To send email with a MobileMe alias on your iPad,
create an account (Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account...) choosing "Other", instead of MobileMe, with IMAP Acct info:
Name = how you want your name to appear to the Recipient,
Address = your MobileMe alias,
Password = your MobileMe password,
Description = how you want it to appear on your iPad.
Incoming Mail Server: Host Name = mail.me.com, User Name = MobileMe address, Password = MobileMe password.
Outgoing mail Server: SMTP = smtp.me.com

Thanks for the suggestion Tim. Unfortunately, it wont work. First, from what I understand, apple is no longer accepting new mobileme subscribers. Second, I have to use gmail for my work because we sync our calendars.
Thanks Marilyn,

My trouble is my lack of tech savvy. I have found similar solutions to the one you posted, but when I set up a new account, I have to provide an incoming email account information in order to verify the account. that is where I get tripped up. I am not sure what to put into those fields based on my server email addresses.

Thanks for the link. I am going to keep trying.

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