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All right my fellow Californians do you have a get out of town bag set up


iPF Noob
All right my fellow Californains ..do you have some basic cloths and other access packed ready to go for just in case for the Earthquakes and fires and anything else could bad happen in the middle of the night type problems that comes up ..

about four weeks ago the farm next to us caught on fire and we where asked to leave the area for the fire was getting closer to the set of farmer propane tanks and they thought that they might go up in the farm fire..

so basically i had time to grab my cloths and shoes and ipad sling bag and my dog rebel in my arms and walk out of the place to the car.. i basically left the house that night with me wearing a jacket over my scub slippers pant and slippers and t-shirt with my car keys around the neck on my work id card and phone and wallet shoved into the jacket pocket .. rebel and i went to a local jack in the box in Modosto and got a buger each and drink for me and we sit there eatting them intill my landlady called me and told me it was safe to come home now ..

i do keep a small pre-packed bad weather get out of town bag for such problems that might arose from events like that one ..but did not have enough time to go and try to get it on the second run into the house to get it ..we where told to leave and leave now for the fire had reach near where the tanks where at and they where thinking it was going to go off at any moment ..

so do you have your bags packed and ready to go for just in case with the paperwork info inside the bag to help with the insurance claims if something happens and you have to replace or prove something to someone ..
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I have had a bag packed for years,gun,ammo and some warm cltohes,my wife calls it "My Jack Bag" after Jack of 24 fame.
I've always wanted one. I just moved to California in August and havent started working yet...but I drove here with all my stuff packed into the back of my Honda Accord..so I guess i have a get out of town car. Once i get a job and settle in somewhere I will probably have a bag filled with survival stuff.
No, but I have a case of MGD in cans, and a couple packs of smokes stashed if I can't get out!! I haven't smoked in a long time, but . . . . .
the funny thing is one of the people who i know who surfs here and there because of wanting a ipad was in the mud slide areas of SoCal areas and called me and said a very bad word to me on the phone the other day about haveing a get out of town bag and his wife calls me later on about the reason why he called me over i had called it right when the first hard rains would come and push the mud from the river right up to there door areas and he was telling me no it would happen ..

the mud stoped about three ft from his house and his wife was going on the whole time about me telling to pack a get out of town bag and keep it handy because your in a perfect flood zone area ..:D
Yep, bug out bag for every member of the family and the dogs. Bottled water, MREs, gun, ammo, clothes, maps etc etc - it's my hobby.
I use the iPad a lot so there are any number of places it can be so in the bug out bag, I have my old EEEPC 900 ready to go, just in case I can't get to the iPad.

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