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All Things Educational (ok and some RPGs and photo editing tools))


iPF Noob
I'm always looking for apps, in all subject areas (Math, Geography...), that have differentiated ways of successfully helping students learn from grade 5 to grade 9; especially needed are apps that will allow students to manipulate the patterns used/needed in writing, reading, math...Really good ones are hard to come by.

I've had my iPad since the April 2010 release date. I can't recall a day since then that I haven't used it. I'm an ipad accessory geek (sadly, I've tried many different keyboards, cases, styluses, lap buddies).

My favorite Note taking/PDF editor/Book Reader (marker-upper) is UPAD although there are several other great apps out there (GoodReader and Noteshelf for their own unique skills).

I'm still looking for a way to save PDFs from Safari to any of my pdf apps. If anyone has a suggestion.

First, welcome to the forum!

If you have a PDF open in Safari (where the URL ends in PDF), put a "g" in the very front of the URL (in front of the http:// part). Then hit enter. Goodreader will then open the PDF and as a consequence, have the PDF stored in its part of the iPad. Very handy, that.


P.S. BTW, I deleted the exact same post you put in the introductions section. Double posting = a no-no here, m'kay? Ta.

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