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Am I doing this right? Storing PDFs on the device.


iPF Noob
I finally figured out how to get PDFs loaded into the iBooks app. I like that app for just reading the document. File, Add to Library...select file and sync. Now...when I am done, how do I delete the file from the library? I don't want to just uncheck it...I want to delete it from the library in iTunes.

But I also need to annotate the PDF, which means I need Good Reader. Now I have to email the doc to myself and open using Goodreader.

But I also like to use PDF Expert. So I have to open the attachment in that app too. Does this leave three copies of the same PDF on my device? Actually...a 4th copy is in the email attachement?

Seems like a lot of wasted space. This is a 780 page (4.3 MB) PDF report for a meeting I have next week.

Sure...I could just use Goodreader for all the functions but I should be able to use each app for what it's strengths are and not worry...right?

Or am I just doing this all wrong?

Well actually you have stumbled upon one of the shortcomings(?) of Apple mobile devices and that is there is no "universal" place to store files that each app can access. Its not a huge issue for me personally, but it looks like it could be for you.
Well...I would not call it a huge issue either. It's only 4.3 MB x 4...less than 20 MB wasted.

But when I annotate in one version and then switch to the other app those notations are not there. That drives me insane.

I guess I'll just do my reading part on the iPad and do the work part on my laptop once I get off the airplane. Bummer for me. But I am no worse off than before I had the iPad...cept my wallet is a little lighter.

Could you not have the pdf in Goodreader and use the "open with" option, view in whatever app, but delete from the second app to keep from having dupes? I do understand not having the notations but never having used the other pdf I don't know if it would offer me enough to use instead of Goodreader. I do prefer reading pdfs in Goodreader over Ibooks though. Just a personal preference.
Could you not have the pdf in Goodreader and use the "open with" option, view in whatever app, but delete from the second app to keep from having dupes? I do understand not having the notations but never having used the other pdf I don't know if it would offer me enough to use instead of Goodreader. I do prefer reading pdfs in Goodreader over Ibooks though. Just a personal preference.

Bingo. That's the easiest solution for the OP's issue.
What if I store the file on Dropbox and then tell Goodreader to save it to Dropbox? Then when I open it in PDF Expert it has the notations.

Is that even an option? I'm not near my iPad to give it a try right now.


Edit: That won't work when I want to switch back and forth while flying. Doh!
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Another messy solution would be to use iFile.

It can create a link to a file. So basically you first browse to your initial file using iFile, then select 'Copy/Link', browse to the desired app and then paste the link. This method allows you to have the file in a central place, but you can still open it with different programs.

Problems: Apple randomizes app folder names for whatever reason. So there is no way of knowing in which folder which app is, the only way of finding out is by opening each folder. So setting up the link is a pain. And secondly, the apps don't necessarily open the linked file.
iFile sounds like a real PITA. Sorry.

It appears that I have confirmed for about the thousandth time that this device is simply not meant for business. I have done work around after workaround to make it a business useful device. And in some regards it is a nice tool. I was sitting in a conference last week when someone asked for some data. I could have ran downstairs to my office to pull it up through Access but using Splashtop I was able to run it and display it on the monitor in a few seconds. But that was not the iPad as much as it was a remote control of my desktop. Still...it kept me from having to run downstairs.

But reality is this thing is meant for social entertainment and that is about it. I just can't see how they sell for over 700 bucks! It's got a value of something like 200 maybe. Oh well...whatever. I'll use my laptop for this project. I thought it would be neat to be able to run from office to office next week using my iPad instead of a three ring binder as I interview various departments. At least I'll be able to show them how Angry Birds looks when the interviews are over. LOL

There are a lot of people using them for business similar to what you outline. i just think it takes research and putting together a workflow for your own individual use. Might take some out of box thinking of how to use apps that might not even have been considered.
Hey...Like I said, Diane...SplashTop makes it a great business tool as long as I am connected to the same WiFi network (My firewall will not allow port forwarding due to sensitivity of proprietary database on the SQL server) and my laptop is tunred on. It's mainly travel where I run into problems. I thought this would be a neat tool to get work done on an airplane. And I can do some work, just not power work.

I still have my laptop for the power work. Unfortunately with leg room getting less and less every time I fly I find I have to fly first class in order to use my laptop now. Now...If I could just get the boss to pay for first class. LOL

It is personal for everyone how well it works for them--just individual situations. I have a friend on the west coast that travels almost every week and she's been lucky to get some flights with onboard wifi making things so much easier. Laptops are s pain traveling but guess things just won't work out for you yet to jettison yours.
Could I jump in here with a question without creating a tsunami? I spent a pretty sizable chunk of change on my iPad (64 gig, etc) only later to find the same problem that Nate describes. I know many of my friends describe a similar frustration with their device.

I know, I know (how well I know) it is not a computer! Neverthess, the problem is there, for many of us, as 1941-C4 describes. There is no "universal" place to store files that each app can access. My question: Is there any tablet out there today that has a repository where all files can be copied and accessed from any/all apps? I would give my iPad to my wife in a heart beat if I could find one that provides file structure and accessibility from all apps. She loves the games as well as the Photo features.

nateccnn said:
What if I store the file on Dropbox and then tell Goodreader to save it to Dropbox? Then when I open it in PDF Expert it has the notations.

Is that even an option? I'm not near my iPad to give it a try right now.


Edit: That won't work when I want to switch back and forth while flying. Doh!

You folks need so lessons in how PDFs work.

And yes I can share annotations between devices and platforms.

The best tools are
Jolliprint (used from Safari).

Adobe's Acrobat Reader X on windows 7

Preview in OS X

Other lesser tools

Don't fool with too many PDF tools on the iPad or you will run into OPEN WITH... Problems.
I think the limit is ten.

Annotations are stored in a second hidden file that must be transferred. Barring that the only other choice is to FLATTEN THE PDF to send device independent markup and high lights. Some poorly written schemes flatten PDFs by creating images of the Annotated PDF - bad news if you need to work with text.

Here is some info from iAnnotate update

What's New in iAnnotate
Posted by Dev Team on 07 January 2011 09:13 PM

Version 1.4 of iAnnotate adds:

Typewriter annotations: add editable text notes directly on the PDF page. adjust font, size, color, justification, and rotation
Typewriter w/Today's Date: instantly insert the text for today's date (for example, for signature forms)
Includes the ability to create stamps out of typewriter annotations
Thickness and transparency for Ink annotations (allows free-form highlighting non-OCR documents)
Vector eraser for Ink annotations
Ability to view several more kinds of existing annotations (including callout, line, caret, etc)
Ability to directly import image files into the stamp library
Single-Page mode: optional setting to display only one page at a time (similar to iBooks), with swipe/slide or tap to turn pages
Improved Document search: proper handling for phrases, punctuation, and even regular expressions.
Page scrollbar now available in Go-To-Page (useful for large documents)
Integrated dictionary, Wikipedia, and Google lookup of selected text
Forward/Back navigation (esp useful in a document with links)
Next/Previous annotation, bookmark, and outline element toolbar buttons
Fit-to-width and fit-to-height toolbar buttons
Ability to drag/move the popup annotation editors
Improved handling of existing annotations (most existing annotations are now editable)
Improved handling of multi-column PDF
Many bug fixes and minor interface improvements
NEW: Experimental Features
These are high-demand features that we have developed for the iAnnotate user community to try!
Still in a "beta" phase, so some unusual or unexpected behavior may occur. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Ability to save a webpage as a (vector) PDF file: store webpages for later reading, searching, and markup
Ability to import Word (DOC/DOCX) and PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX) documents as PDF files

Version 1.3.2 of iAnnotate adds:

Updated for iOS 4.2
In-app printing support

Ability to "Flatten" annotations into PDF page content, including end notes for all text popups/comments

Ability to email only annotated pages of a document (in flattened or normal form)

Significant improvement in handling drawing and processing of very large PDF files

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Could I jump in here with a question without creating a tsunami? I spent a pretty sizable chunk of change on my iPad (64 gig, etc) only later to find the same problem that Nate describes. I know many of my friends describe a similar frustration with their device.

I know, I know (how well I know) it is not a computer! Neverthess, the problem is there, for many of us, as 1941-C4 describes. There is no "universal" place to store files that each app can access. My question: Is there any tablet out there today that has a repository where all files can be copied and accessed from any/all apps? I would give my iPad to my wife in a heart beat if I could find one that provides file structure and accessibility from all apps. She loves the games as well as the Photo features.

Yeah...any of the android based tablets let you drop files onto the sd card if the sd card slot is implemented...lol.

I do not know how RIM handles this.

The Xoom seems to be the best contender as far as usability and smoothness but it is way over priced and not proven yet. I played with one for about an hour and liked it but can't say it was a betterbexperience than the iPad. But it will be a while before the sd card slot is implemented. So I am not ready to put my eggs in that basket yet. But I am getting the bacon ready...lol. The wife said she would take my iPad off my hands if I decide to go that route.

nateccnn said:
What if I store the file on Dropbox and then tell Goodreader to save it to Dropbox? Then when I open it in PDF Expert it has the notations.

Is that even an option? I'm not near my iPad to give it a try right now.


Edit: That won't work when I want to switch back and forth while flying. Doh!

You folks need so lessons in how PDFs work.

And yes I can share annotations between devices and platforms.

The best tools are
Jolliprint (used from Safari).

Adobe's Acrobat Reader X on windows 7

Preview in OS X

Other lesser tools

Don't fool with too many PDF tools on the iPad or you will run into OPEN WITH... Problems.
I think the limit is ten.

Annotations are stored in a second hidden file that must be transferred. Barring that the only other choice is to FLATTEN THE PDF to send device independent markup and high lights. Some poorly written schemes flatten PDFs by creating images of the Annotated PDF - bad news if you need to work with text.

Here is some info from iAnnotate update

What's New in iAnnotate
Posted by Dev Team on 07 January 2011 09:13 PM

Version 1.4 of iAnnotate adds:

Typewriter annotations: add editable text notes directly on the PDF page. adjust font, size, color, justification, and rotation
Typewriter w/Today's Date: instantly insert the text for today's date (for example, for signature forms)
Includes the ability to create stamps out of typewriter annotations
Thickness and transparency for Ink annotations (allows free-form highlighting non-OCR documents)
Vector eraser for Ink annotations
Ability to view several more kinds of existing annotations (including callout, line, caret, etc)
Ability to directly import image files into the stamp library
Single-Page mode: optional setting to display only one page at a time (similar to iBooks), with swipe/slide or tap to turn pages
Improved Document search: proper handling for phrases, punctuation, and even regular expressions.
Page scrollbar now available in Go-To-Page (useful for large documents)
Integrated dictionary, Wikipedia, and Google lookup of selected text
Forward/Back navigation (esp useful in a document with links)
Next/Previous annotation, bookmark, and outline element toolbar buttons
Fit-to-width and fit-to-height toolbar buttons
Ability to drag/move the popup annotation editors
Improved handling of existing annotations (most existing annotations are now editable)
Improved handling of multi-column PDF
Many bug fixes and minor interface improvements
NEW: Experimental Features
These are high-demand features that we have developed for the iAnnotate user community to try!
Still in a "beta" phase, so some unusual or unexpected behavior may occur. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Ability to save a webpage as a (vector) PDF file: store webpages for later reading, searching, and markup
Ability to import Word (DOC/DOCX) and PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX) documents as PDF files

Version 1.3.2 of iAnnotate adds:

Updated for iOS 4.2
In-app printing support

Ability to "Flatten" annotations into PDF page content, including end notes for all text popups/comments

Ability to email only annotated pages of a document (in flattened or normal form)

Significant improvement in handling drawing and processing of very large PDF files

Sent from my iPad using iPF

So...you going to give us that lesson or you keeping it a secret?


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