jsh1120 said:
And that's why the Kindle didn't survive. Now I understand.
No need to be snide.
Kindle book sales are DIRECT sales as a result of the hardware, not gray-area sales. The hardware is in fact useless without book sales.
You indicated that the tablet would be a success by simply driving other
Amazon product sales unrelated to the tablet. These sales would NOT be traceable back to the tablet and could not be considered success of the tablet.
Without hard sales data traceable back to the tablet no company would simply lose money every quarter on the hardware...and accept that loss while assuming sales of other items in their store are up because of that hardware.
Retail just doesn't work that way.
Amazon may be making a strategic decision to lose money on every tablet sold, but they had better have a profit strategy in their plan or we will soon be saying, "Remember
Amazon.com" ...