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Android music to iPad4


iPF Noob
Aug 28, 2013
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Mods, I have done a search.

Others, please bear with me as I'm a definite Newbee!

I'm new to iOS. I have used Android for a while but trying iPad 4 now. I have music on my Android phone I would like to transfer to my iPad. I'm not doing at all well with iTunes so I wonder if there is a really good (preferably free!) way to transfer music across?

I can 'see' the music files in Win Explorer on my phone, I can download to my PC desktop but I can't seem to transfer by drag'n drop in iTunes?

Any ideas please?

Thank you

Have you tried putting the music into iTunes first? You do that via the Edit > Add New File menu in iTunes.

Then, once the music is in iTunes you can select it to be synced over to the iPad.

Hope this helps.


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