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iPF Noob
An interesting article by a computer consultant/guru explained about the Android situation. Droid was created as a smart phone OS, and was designed with a limit of 5" for the screen. While Google recognized that Android had the best shot at competing with iOS, they have not been able to whip the screen size limits. The 7" screens being put out are the result of tweaking the exisiting software to its limits. They are coming out with Android 3.0 any time now, but it will not be until next summer that they will come out with Android 4.0 that has the ability to handle up to 10" screen sizes.

The estimation is that wiith all the new android devices coming out, they will sell about one million Android tablets this year. Compared to the over 13 milllion iPads, that is not much. And Apple is predicted to sell 32-36 million next year.

As for those who hate iTunes, your reasoning is spurious. It is like those who hate Wal-Mart. Companies cater to the majority of their target base. Apple does not compete with Microsoft, Google, or Motorola. Wal-Mart does not compete with Target, Sears, or Best Buy. They determine what their core customers want and how to make it work. You are not locked into iTunes other than for syncing which is an as needed feature. You do not have to spend money for iTunes. Movies can be downloaded from anywhere and watched for free. Music can be bought from any legitimate store and transfered through itunes.
Where do you get off saying some user's dislike of Itunes is "spurious" (fake? .. really?)? I dislike it because it is bloated, slow, and has failed to modernize to devices that can collect media outside of Itunes. There is nothing spurious here, it is simply a program in need of a major overhaul and that seems to be a real (not spurious) and growing opinion.
Never heard of the word spurious but I assume it means fake. iTunes used to be good but now it is full of bugs and slow on my windows seven 4GB ram laptop. The entire idea if synching is also ridiculous and one of the reasons I converted from ipads into walkmans. If Jobs doesn't change his stupid itunes I might convert again once a decent tablet device comes out. Until now I will keep on using my iPad.
You are overplaying the problem with screen size. Yes, the current versions of Android have been modified to handle larger screens, as they weren't meant to natively handle the size. But the modifications that they have done work very well. Have you used any of the Android tablets? The 7" and 10" screens still work quite well.
Lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine; false

Blaming iTunes is just a copout. Is it perfect, no. Is it good, yes. iTunes is an integral part of the iPod culture. It is the reason the iPad is so popular. Apple had to create a means to get data to the iPods. It became the number one retailer of music. Then they came out with the iPhone and people were downloading music to it. It was a natural process to include the distribution of apps as part of iTunes. Before the iPhone, the concept of apps was nothing, and iTunes made it happen. The introduction of the iPad was totally dependent on a mature system of apps to use on it. So saying that iTunes is the problem with the iPad is spurious. The big issue is that iTunes has outgrown its original format and needs a better way of finding things. It is like the Library of Congress. Everything is there, but the sheer size of the place is a hassle.

Eveything must adapt. Wal-Mart took the megacenter to its limits, but now people are upset because they are too big to get around easily. So now, Wal-Mart is doing smaller stores, neighborhood markets, etc. Apple will have to come up with ways to create a hub system that allows access to numerous small groups of content.
But you have to see Seadog that you are simply applying your opinion to everyone else and then saying they are making a false assertion. I can assure you that if someone feels that Itunes is the biggest problem with the Ipad (and I would argue the Ipad has plenty of issues much bigger than Itunes) then it is just that for them. Your opinion doesn't matter to the people that don't want to have their mobile device weighed down by a clunky desktop application. I think we all understand where Itunes came from and why it was needed. I understand the argument you are making and I agree with a lot of it, but telling everyone else that their argument (that is true for them) is false is just pure arrogance.
You are overplaying the problem with screen size. Yes, the current versions of Android have been modified to handle larger screens, as they weren't meant to natively handle the size. But the modifications that they have done work very well. Have you used any of the Android tablets? The 7" and 10" screens still work quite well.

I agree with you. I would also say that the same argument about an OS developed for a small screen size applies just as much to iOS. I think you can just look at the fact that many built in apps that are standard fare on the iPhone and iPod Touch weren't included with the original iPad firmware sort of makes this point. The standard apps just don't work that great on the iPad because there is so much more screen to deal with.
Lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine; false

Blaming iTunes is just a copout. Is it perfect, no. Is it good, yes. iTunes is an integral part of the iPod culture. It is the reason the iPad is so popular. Apple had to create a means to get data to the iPods. It became the number one retailer of music. Then they came out with the iPhone and people were downloading music to it. It was a natural process to include the distribution of apps as part of iTunes. Before the iPhone, the concept of apps was nothing, and iTunes made it happen. The introduction of the iPad was totally dependent on a mature system of apps to use on it. So saying that iTunes is the problem with the iPad is spurious. The big issue is that iTunes has outgrown its original format and needs a better way of finding things. It is like the Library of Congress. Everything is there, but the sheer size of the place is a hassle.

Eveything must adapt. Wal-Mart took the megacenter to its limits, but now people are upset because they are too big to get around easily. So now, Wal-Mart is doing smaller stores, neighborhood markets, etc. Apple will have to come up with ways to create a hub system that allows access to numerous small groups of content.

you do have a good argument however the problem with iTunes is that it simply doesn't run well on Windows. and while it is a mature app, it has also become a bloated slow giant that has matured too much into something that even my 4GB of RAM, 7200RPM hard drive and Core 2 Duo can't handle right. there is no reason why iPads and iPods have to be loaded with iTunes. Fine, let it be part of the so called "culture" but let there also be an ALTERNATIVE way of putting files on my iPad. it wouldn't be too hard for apple to allow you to load up files onto your iPad like you do on a flash drive. Sony did it with their walkman (major reason why i switched) and apple should do the same. The big reason however why Mr.Jobs will never do it is for the big iTunes monopoly. He knows that the moment people won't be forced to use iTunes, most of them will simply uninstall that unresponsive application and load up files themselves. Just browse this forum and you will see pages after pages after pages of people complaining how much they can't stand iTunes on Windows. Obviously Apple is doing something wrong. And getting a Mac is not an excuse, I like windows and I love my thinkpads. If Blackberry plays their cards well with Playbook, they might have my next $500. So long iTunes culture!
iTunes is a huge memory hog and runs slow on just about any system (well, not sure about Macs, I don't have one).

Does that sound familiar to the argument Steve Jobs was making against Flash? LOL, maybe there is some Flash content built into iTunes and that's why it takes a virtual supercomputer to run it well.

Yes I'm exaggerating, LOL. But the point still stands, if Jobs wants to bitch about software not running fast enough, he needs to fix iTunes first. Pot....kettle....black....

Eveything must adapt. Wal-Mart took the megacenter to its limits, but now people are upset because they are too big to get around easily. So now, Wal-Mart is doing smaller stores, neighborhood markets, etc. Apple will have to come up with ways to create a hub system that allows access to numerous small groups of content.

So you are arguing that since Wal-Mart has adapted, Apple will too.

Perhaps you don't fully understand what a spurious argument is...

In either event it doesn't negate the fact that many people dislike iTunes. Arguing that the iTunes Music Store is the most popular and that proves that the iTunes software is therefore "good" equals more spurious reasoning.

All of which leaves me wondering what any of your arguments have to do with Android unless you just like providing spurious examples. ;)
Guys I ask that you settle down ok As a long time user of iTunes and talking to other users ie that use the windows versions in can understand the issues that you have all we ask is we bring the discussions back on track as the last thing we want is close this thread down.
Thank you in advance for you understanding
I have to question the assertion that Apple doesn't compete with Microsoft and Walmart doesn't compete with Target, Best Buy and Sears. If you are selling products to the same sector of people and those products have overlap then your are competing. Apple would like you to buy a system that runs OSX rather than Windows. Apple makes advertisements trying to convince you that their OS is better than what MS offers. If that is not direct competition I don't know what it is. Apple and MS both offer media stores selling many of the exact same products. MS would like you to believe their delivery system is better, likewise Apple would like to convince you their way is better. That is competition. I could go on ... both sell portable media players, direct competition. Each company wants to grow their customer base by taking from the other. This notion that each is happy with their core customer base just doesn't make sense.

Walmart and Target are direct competitors. Both sell many of the same products and each would like you to buy from one rather than the other. I guarantee that each would love to take a large chunk of the other's customers away. Each company spends a ton on advertisement trying to make that happen. Neither is happy selling to their core customer base only, growth is what drives the stock prices and ultimate success of the company.
The issue is that Apple and Wal-Mart achieved leadership by not going against the others by emulating them. They took the game to a new level. They chose a path which appealed to the public more. They ignored what the others were doing and found a new path to success. Apple did it by appealing to those who wanted higher quality and were willing to pay for it. In the 90s, without Jobs, Apple almost disappeared by trying to put the Apple OS out to other manufacturers like Microsoft. Wal-Mart took the path of reaching out to the average small community. In both cases, they led the way to a new era in their field, they did not just compete.

I have every confidence that Apple is trying to develop a new format for iTunes for the simple reason that they pay attention. In its current form, iTunes does not meet the criteria that has been the earmark of Jobs; simple elegence. It is already in the works for a AppleTV iTunes section. The problem is that in every category, there can be hundreds of thousands selections. How do you make that manageable? Traditionally, a tree or spoke system would be used, but that is essentially what is being used now. It is a good system when you do not have too many folders, but when you get into hundreds or more, it does not work. I would love to see the solution to the issue, but unless it is the big news today, who knows when it gets resolved. And I do not see any of the competitors with a better method.

As for the issue of syncing, since the iPad is not a standalone computer, it has to have a means to download. It uses the same means as used for the iPods and iPhones.

Back to the original subject, the point is that there will not be a Android OS designed for use on tablets until next summer. If you purchase a device in the next few months, you may take a risk that they will not offer the OS as an upgrade for older tablets. A big gripe about the iPad is capabilities not offered until iOS 4.2. While it was a long wait, it was at least a known fact, and that it would be a free upgrade for all iPads. As I remember, there was a big stink when people found they could not upgrade to Froyo 2.2. And remember the griping about how using iPhone apps on 2X was considered poor quality graphics? My point is that those who are anti-Apple and are dying to go to Android, should be aware that they may risk their money if they leap too quickly. Apple cannot be all things to everyone. I do not have the time to research every app, nor do I want to look in a dozen places for apps. If I find an app that looks interesting, I can go the app store, look at the reviews, and make a decision. There are those who love jailbreaking devices, and there are those who love to hack. Most of us are not like that.
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