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Annotate and sync PDFs with PC


iPF Noob
Hi, I'm sorry if this is a re-hash of a topic that has already been discussed, but I've spent a couple hours going over previous discussions and trying to figure it out on my own to no avail. My situation is that I have numerous (1000+) PDF articles on my laptop that I've already organized into specific folders. Is there some program that I can use to sync these articles onto my iPad, then use the iPad to annotate them, and then sync this annotated version back to my laptop? Additionally, if I e-mail myself an article, or get an article from the web and put it straight onto my iPad into a folder, is there an easy way to then sync that folder/article with my laptop? I've tried using Goodreader and Dropbox, but while it is easy to get the articles off Dropbox, it is not as easy to put them back after they've been annotated and still have the same name. And I don't want to have to go renaming every article I annotate and then uploading it, and then having to go and delete the original article.

Thanks so much.
I use Apple's MobileMe iDisk server. If you try to upload a document from your iPad to the iDisk after you've edited or annotated it then iDisk prompts 'File already exists - replace?' and a 'Yes', 'No' option.

In terms of annotating PDF documents, you've probably seen that several other Forum members have recommended 'SignMyPad', which allows annotation of PDF documents.

Another thought. (I should think before I hit the 'submit' button). I use PrintCentral as my printing app, but it has another feature that allows you to copy files to and from your iPad directly over WiFi. Best of all, it supports the copying of complete folders - rather than a file at a time.

I truly am not sure, but I use two PDF annotation programs: Noterize and neu Annotate. There are other PDF annotation programs out there too. GoodReader has the annotation as I assume you might know. My use is nowhere near as elaborate, so I can only speak to the programs I have. I also have Documents to Go which I use to then open the PDF files in one of the annotation programs. I also have Save2PDF which allows me to create PDFs from a Word document which I can the annotate from there. I don't know how much help this is, but Docs to Go does have the Desktop part which then keeps the documents residing there too where you then synchronize between them.
If I understand it right, SignMyiPad is good for creating forms out of PDF so you can fill them out and re-save as PDF. I don't see any direct support for MobileMe in it. Instruction video here: Autriv Software Developement - Home of SignMyPad

GoodReader is much better as a straight up annotation tool, where you want the best compatibility back to Adobe Reader or Preview. And it does support MobileMe. It also supports a way to transfer files directly to and from the computer, which might (haven't tried it) trigger the Replace File option.
I haven't explored it yet, but i believe GoodReader's latest version allows you to deal with whole folders rather than one file at a time.

I annotate PDFs using Neu Annotate and Note Taker HD. GoodReader's annotation capabilities are a tad limited, imo.
PDF Expert's features list says it has the ability to sync back to DropBox among other sources. I imagine it will be a matter of choosing what features you want most, because neither will have everything.

I'd definitely test the compatibility of it's annotations before switching. What you can do isn't always as important as whether you can keep the work when moving the document to another device and/or app.

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