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Another New Guy

Ray B

iPF Noob

I'm glad to have found this forum and look forward to learning more about this wonderful device. I'm retired and have some technical abilities (i.e., I can turn things on and sometimes off :o).

I bought my iPad about a week ago after finding that I could store and manipulate my music scores/song lyric sheets, etc. on it ... putting to rest several large 3-ring binders that were getting to be a pain to tote around.

So far my only two complaints with the device are: Safari doesn't seem to support "flash" and I can't figure out how to remove/delete photos that I have imported from my computer (I put a bunch on it before I relaized I needed to reorganize the photos so they would show up in small groupings.

Again, glad to be here,

I've been wondering if there was a way to delete pictures on my iPad too, but so far I think the only way to do so would be to re-sync the photos with your computer. On iTunes you can, of course, choose to sync all photos or just specific ones. Try the latter option, and see what you can do. I hope this helped in some way or form!
unfortunately photos sync from itunes cannot be deleted from ipad. only pics that you download from ipad directly can be deleted.
I've tried "re-synching" and changing the parameters, but it "appears" like things freeze up (i.e., it continues at Step 2 of the process for an inordinate amount of time -- 2+ hours).

Can I reset the iPad (remove all music, documents, photos) without losing my 2 apps that I have (unRealbooks $ Books)? I can reload my documents and music pretty easily and then re-set the parameters of the photo transfer in iTunes.


You can reset the iPad, and re-download your two apps, if that's what your asking. The apps should be saved throughout iTunes somewhere. (Considering that you got them through the app store.)
Yeah, BoZ (bieber fever) is right, but you don't have to re-download those two apps. Anytime you sync your iPad to your computer, iTunes backs-up your iPad. It does this by downloading all of the music, books, apps, etc. that you have installed via the Appstore/iTunes on the iPad/iBookstore. On iTunes just click on the "Reset to Factory Settings." This will keep all of the apps that came w/ the iPad, then you can just drag the other apps (unRealbooks $ Books) from the Apps icon to the iPad icon. Tell me if this works/fails!

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