Greetings to all members of the forum from an iPad learner.
I got my iPad at the end of June - a birthday gift from a very generous son.
He has an iPad himself and is quite envious that mine is an iPad 2, whereas he has the original version!
I have already installed a fair number of apps - most of them free. I find some are quite excellent but there are others that are not really worth keeping. Will probably have a bit of a clear-out soon to get rid of any clutter.
Have you any ideas on what the average age of members might be? I don't mind admitting that I am an octogenarian and I do wonder whether there any other members of my generation who try to keep up with these modern times. I got into computers quite a few years ago - some rather less than fond memories of some of that early kit such as Commodore 64 and Amstrad PCs of the 1980s era!
I got my iPad at the end of June - a birthday gift from a very generous son.
He has an iPad himself and is quite envious that mine is an iPad 2, whereas he has the original version!
I have already installed a fair number of apps - most of them free. I find some are quite excellent but there are others that are not really worth keeping. Will probably have a bit of a clear-out soon to get rid of any clutter.
Have you any ideas on what the average age of members might be? I don't mind admitting that I am an octogenarian and I do wonder whether there any other members of my generation who try to keep up with these modern times. I got into computers quite a few years ago - some rather less than fond memories of some of that early kit such as Commodore 64 and Amstrad PCs of the 1980s era!