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Another newby


iPF Noob
Hello y'all,
I joined the forum this morning to try to learn a little more about my new iPad. I have very little experience with Apple products, don't own an iPod or iPhone and so far I do not care much for iTunes. I have a Moto Droid and really like Android OS. I have Linux on my netbook and desktop, which are both dual booted with Win XP.
My major "duh" to date is finding useful apps to make the iPad more practical. Any suggestions for sorting thru the massive number of choices in the app store would be welcomed and appreciated.
A Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Hello wav4if, welcome to the forum!

I used to live in Nashvillle, TN, and would visit northern Alabama often--NASA space museum, etc.

There are too many apps in the app store. I have found the appshopper app to be a really good program to use to find apps. You can also use it to manage your apps, create a wish list, etc. There is also another thread about getting the iPad, and one of the responders "w1ngman" posted a PDF file listing apps that he would buy. If you click on this link, you'll find w1ngman's file on page two of this thread.


If you have goodreader app you can save the list for future reference.

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