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...another Software Update question.


iPF Noob
Hi guys,

Did a Search but couldnt find the exact answer, so here goes...
Does it matter if I get the software update from iTunes when iPad is connected to my laptop or get the update directly from the iPad using wifi?
TIA. :)

No difference what so ever. The final version of iOS that will be running on your iPad will be exactly the same.
I have done 4 devices so far.
iPhone 5 OTA
iPhone 4S iTunes
iPad 3 OTA
iPad 3 iTunes

The two OTAs had current backups. The two iTunes need a backup.
Thanks again for the replies.
I guess I should have asked which everyone else prefers, "OTA or iTunes?".
I'll see if i can change the title. :)

Obviously Im a bit skeptical on updating mine.
You see im really worried if during the update process my wifi disconnects, or my internet connection gets cut-off.
Our Internet provider sometimes really isnt 100% reliable.
With either method the update is downloaded before it is applied. Losing your internet connection during the download would report an error but not affect your device as no update has been applied.

I suspect you will find there is a even split between OTA and itunes, I have updated both ways and had no problems both ways. The only difference I could see is that the OTA update is a delta update (only the bits that are changing are downloaded) so is quicker to download than the full new software that is downloaded by itunes.

Millions of people have performed updates with no problem via both methods, I wouldn't really worry about it.
As a rule for myself, I do major version updates (5.1.1 to 6.0) via iTunes and minor version updates (5.1 to 5.11 or 6.0 to 6.01) OTA.
For those reading: if you are at all interested in ever jail breaking your iPad (even if it's something you're thinking about), it appears the best way to do an upgrade is to do it via iTunes. The last jail break tool cannot use the iOS version that gets installed on your iPad via the OTA method. I don't believe that will change for future iOS versions.

I'm not saying that everyone wants to jail break. This is just FYI... :)

thanks for the replies guys.

did my update last night via iTunes.
i guess im an oldschool who still prefers hardwire. :)

to Ms. Marilyn, being a Mod, can you please change the Thread Title to :"Which do you prefer; via OTA or iTunes when downloading software updates?"
it would be interesting to know what preferrence people have over this.
conrad721 said:
thanks for the replies guys.

did my update last night via iTunes.
i guess im an oldschool who still prefers hardwire. :)

to Ms. Marilyn, being a Mod, can you please change the Thread Title to :"Which do you prefer; via OTA or iTunes when downloading software updates?"
it would be interesting to know what preferrence people have over this.

Marilyn's offline, so I'll answer for her. Thread titles cannot be changed after about half an hour of being posted. Doing so can lead to posts going astray.

Nothing wrong with starting a poll on the subject if you'd like to see it, and it hasn't already been done.

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Marilyn's offline, so I'll answer for her. Thread titles cannot be changed after about half an hour of being posted. Doing so can lead to posts going astray.

Nothing wrong with starting a poll on the subject if you'd like to see it, and it hasn't already been done.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Copy that. Thanks!

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