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Antivirus App for iPad Air?


iPF Noob
Hi All,
I have an iPad Air WiFi. A fair bit of time I use it at a 'hotspot' i.e. hotel or restaurant. I move around...

Should I install an antivirus app, and would anyone have a recommendation for me, based on my circumstances?

I did have something called 'Avira' (for mobile), which I got from the App store, but the App Store no longer offers it, strangely... German company.

A couple of days ago, an Avira update was offered through the App store. I installed it, then the app quit working altogether- prior to the update, I could tap the Avira icon and get a message like 'Protected- 80 processes scanned.' After updating, just a dark screen, no info.

Since Avira doesn't work now, I just deleted it through Settings, and I have nothing by way of antivirus.

As to my situation:

1. My iPad Air isn't jailbroken.

2. As mentioned, I use it at hotspots.

3. I have a VPN installed- OpenSource 256 bit AES spec.

4. I've never connected the Lightning connector to any data port, just charging only!

Could I get a virus through WiFi or any other way? WiFi would seem to be the only way my iPad could get infected.

I checked the App Store for 'Antivirus iPad App' and got about a dozen results.

So based on what I've said here, do I really need one (I expect it couldn't hurt), and which one would be most suited to an iPad Air used often at Hotspots?

Thanks for reading!
There are no anti virus apps for the iPad or any other iOS device. These security apps such as Avira do not scan your iPad for viruses because they can't. The app sand boxing would prevent an app from accessing other apps to scan for a virus or anything else. This same sand boxing would limit any virus to the app that was originally infected. In addition, there have been no instances of any non jailbroken iOS device getting a virus.
Hi scifan57!
Thank you for your reply. Basically, you're telling me I'm good to go, no need for me to do anything & nothing to be concerned about?

That's nice to be certain of! One less thing...

I don't know why the App Store would offer unnecessary apps. I guess it's a moot point, though.

Thanks again!
Hi scifan57!
Thank you for your reply. Basically, you're telling me I'm good to go, no need for me to do anything & nothing to be concerned about?

That's nice to be certain of! One less thing...

I don't know why the App Store would offer unnecessary apps. I guess it's a moot point, though.

Thanks again!
Some apps exist for one purpose, as scifan stated, it's a way of scamming people out of their money.
The main security concern at an open wi-fi network isn't viruses, it's getting your information stolen. For most purposes I wouldn't spend a lot of time worrying about it, but it would be wise to avoid using financial sites or purchasing stuff on an insecure network.

If you do need to do this stuff on an open network, you should consider using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service. It's possible to set one up manually, but there are several apps in the App Store that will set up a VPN for you. Most VPN providers are not free, though some do have a limited free service (usually a time or MB limit) to try and lure you into a paid plan.

VPN connections create an encrypted channel between you and the sites you visit. This prevents your data from being intercepted by man-in-the-middle attacks (where someone pretends to be a trusted internet connection).

I don't use a VPN myself, so I don't have any recommendations for a good one.

It's a bit more complicated, but that's the general picture.

Still, the most common cause of data or identity theft remains social engineering (they trick you into giving them the information) and peeking over someones shoulder. Make sure you know who you're giving information too, and be aware of who can see your screen when entering sensitive information like passwords.

There are also malware, scare-ware, other nasties out there. In these cases they trick you into installing software on your computer by offering services or convincing you that you already have a virus on your computer. The iPad is mostly immune to these (so far). Mostly, I say, because while you can't accidentally install the software the annoying site/message can lodge in Safari's catch, forcing you to clear history and web data to banish it back to the unmentionable place it belongs.
Thanks to all you guys,
Yes, I try to be careful on the 'Net. No plans to jailbreak, clear the Safari cache all the time, lol, only install stuff from the App Store, and as I said, I use a 256 bit AES OpenSource VPN.

Your replies are all appreciated!
Thanks to all you guys,
Yes, I try to be careful on the 'Net. No plans to jailbreak, clear the Safari cache all the time, lol, only install stuff from the App Store, and as I said, I use a 256 bit AES OpenSource VPN.

Your replies are all appreciated!

I missed the part about you already having VPN. :oops:

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