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aol mail app hep


iPF Novice
Hi Does anyone besides me use aol mail app? all day today I can not retrieve any of my emails I use the aol mail app so I can Buy things and sell things on craigslist I can not use my gmail account with craigslist for some reason but do not know why. Thank you
So you are having trouble both using the AOL app and using Gmail, through what app are you trying to look up your Gmail?

Sent from my iPad mini using iPF
Hi Does anyone besides me use aol mail app? all day today I can not retrieve any of my emails I use the aol mail app so I can Buy things and sell things on craigslist I can not use my gmail account with craigslist for some reason but do not know why. Thank you
I just wonder why you can't use Gmail with craigslist. If emails don't appear in your Gmail inbox - did you also check the Spam folder for new emails?

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