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App crashing

Hi, i sometimes encountered some od my apps suddenly closes in the mids of using it. When it does that, there is no msg popped up etc. i suspected that the app actually crashed. Is my ipad having problem here or it is just the prolblem of that particular app that is having bugs?

I find that usually happens on large apps in my iPad 1. On other generation iPads it is usually due to running out of operating memory. If you have too many apps still loaded in memory you can be low on memory. You can check how many apps are still loaded and maybe running by double clicking the home button or doing a four finger swipe upward gesture. When the screen view slides upward it will show you the apps that are still in memory. I have seen more than 40 apps hogging up the memory. If you touch and hold one of the apps until they start to jiggle a red circle icon with a minus sign will appear on the upper left corner of the app. Touching the minus sign will close the app but not delete it from the iPad. This will free up memory for other apps to use,
Sorry if you already knew this,but I hope it helps if you try it out.
Fid said:

I find that usually happens on large apps in my iPad 1. On other generation iPads it is usually due to running out of operating memory. If you have too many apps still loaded in memory you can be low on memory. You can check how many apps are still loaded and maybe running by double clicking the home button or doing a four finger swipe upward gesture. When the screen view slides upward it will show you the apps that are still in memory. I have seen more than 40 apps hogging up the memory. If you touch and hold one of the apps until they start to jiggle a red circle icon with a minus sign will appear on the upper left corner of the app. Touching the minus sign will close the app but not delete it from the iPad. This will free up memory for other apps to use,
Sorry if you already knew this,but I hope it helps if you try it out.

Thanks. If that is the only reason,I guess i have to do it diligently. Thanks again.
goldenmillion said:
Thanks. If that is the only reason,I guess i have to do it diligently. Thanks again.

I take it that you got the crashing fixed. I keep an eye on the apps running in the background and shut them all down a few times a day.
You are quite welcome. :)
I am having the same problem with apps crashing even if there is plenty of memory. Is there another cause? It's frustrating to have Facebook close in the middle of a post.
Thanks for any help.
I am having the same problem with apps crashing even if there is plenty of memory. Is there another cause? It's frustrating to have Facebook close in the middle of a post.
Thanks for any help.
Try a reset. Hold the power on switch and home button till the Apple logo appears then release and wait for the device to boot up. Sometimes these things happen and although not too often I found resetting the iPad usually works. Obviously, close any running apps fist and try but you seem to know that.
Good luck
Try a reset. Hold the power on switch and home button till the Apple logo appears then release and wait for the device to boot up. Sometimes these things happen and although not too often I found resetting the iPad usually works. Obviously, close any running apps fist and try but you seem to know that.
Good luck

Same issue.

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