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App development question


iPF Noob

I am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction for understanding how to make apps in Xcode? I know nothing about writing code some I am starting from scratch here. Is there some sites/ books that are a must have For figuring this stuff out?
If you feel like learning how to develop your own apps you can do so for free. Go to iTunes on your iPad, click on 'iTunesU' at the bottom right hand side, select 'Universities and Colleges', then scroll to Stanford. Scroll right through the courses and you'll find a 25 lecture course on programming iPad apps. It's free and, by the end of the course, you'll be able to program some simple apps yourself. It's a great resource from one of the best Universities in the world.

I can't find what your talking about I only see one with 25 episodes legal frontiers in digital media is that the one you are talking about?

There are lots of books and stuff on line. What I have found is that most of it isn't worth the paper it's written on. Most of the books take the approach of showing you what to type and the results with very little help on what the code's structure is or how it works. I purchased ipad Application development in 24 hours. If you by that one don't plan on learning anything in 24 hours. You'll spend 24 hours debugging each project. Beginning ipad application development isn't much better. There are some videos on Stanford's web site that are somewhat helpful. By and large the language is God awful... I have 5-10 books on how to program in the language and I haven't found a single one that I like. If I find one I will write you a note.

I would also suggest to start off with some of the frameworks out there.. Corona, phonegap, Titanium.. Gamesalad or Unity for Games. While these frameworks do create apps (for iphone and ipad).. they don't go into Obj-C or for that matter Xcode directly.

Ofcourse if you WANT to program in Obj-c.. then ignore above! :) All the best!
It depends what type of coding your looking for. Type in how to code _ in the safari web browser, like if you want to create something specific for your app. copy and paste that code that you need for your app. Also spending extra cash on an Xcoding program will help to make it easier to make your own coding in your designs.

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