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App for MP3?


iPF Noob
Is there an app that will allow me to download my MP3 files from my computer to my iPad 2 and then allow me to select and play them? Thanks for any help.
Excuse my ignorance....but couldn't you simply place your mp3's in your iTunes folder and then sync up?

Or did you want to stream music from your pc to ipad2?
Try air player or StreamToMe.
I just posted a similar question. I do a radio show and am trying to find an app that allows you to search as you type to pull up quickly and play quickly various audio clips in mp3 format. If there is such an animal, I will go out and purchase an IPAD.
I just posted a similar question. I do a radio show and am trying to find an app that allows you to search as you type to pull up quickly and play quickly various audio clips in mp3 format. If there is such an animal, I will go out and purchase an IPAD.

Just curious - the OP's question is a simple answer already posted - MP3 files are easy to import into your iPad (or iPod Touch which I've done for over a year) whether bought from iTunes or elsewhere.

But, you may need to explain your needs more clearly? First, do you yet own an iPad; and if so, second, have you imported MP3 files into the iPad and attempted to use the built in functions of this device to achieve your needs?
Playing MP3 sounds and sound effects

No, I have not purchased the IPAD2 yet. Somebody had told me there was a way to bring up sounds from various categories quickly and that you could search as you type (it narrowed the field) which would be a huge advantage for what I am talking about
Playing MP3 sounds and sound effects

I called Apple and asked and got zero direction; I was hoping there was something inherent to the system that might do this.

It is not so much that I need to pull up songs; I have tons of audio quips and clips and interviews ranging from 1 second to ..... I need to pull them up quickly which is why the search as you type would be helpful.

Of course other features such as stacking them might be nice, too.

Do you think I should start a new specific thread? Sorry. New here and been a while. Was a Mac A Holic from 1985 to 2000, so this would be my return to Apple.
You could use the spotlight search, this searches everything on your ipad, music, videos, apps, email, contacts etc.

Not sure exactly if it searches all the mp3 tag data or just the title.
Radio Host - Playing Sound Clips

Let me be more specific, I have probably 10,000 audio clips. In the old Mac there used to be a neat program called Audioshop (?). In it, you could create multiple playlists or categories spread over the screen. Then you could click on that playlist and as you typed the name of the file, it narrowed and ultimately gave you the file, then you hit the space bar and it played. It was OUTSTANDING for a radio show host who wants to recall audio clips, interviews, etc SUPER FAST. I have never found anything that quite matches it. I do not want to assign sounds to keys (as there are so many), I just need quick recall.

Hopefully that helps - - and if anybody here can repost or spread the question, I very much appreciate it.

Let me be more specific, I have probably 10,000 audio clips. In the old Mac there used to be a neat program called Audioshop (?). In it, you could create multiple playlists or categories spread over the screen. Then you could click on that playlist and as you typed the name of the file, it narrowed and ultimately gave you the file, then you hit the space bar and it played. It was OUTSTANDING for a radio show host who wants to recall audio clips, interviews, etc SUPER FAST. I have never found anything that quite matches it. I do not want to assign sounds to keys (as there are so many), I just need quick recall.

Hopefully that helps - - and if anybody here can repost or spread the question, I very much appreciate it.


Not sure if this is exactly what you want but give a peek at modizer in the app store...
Is there an app that will allow me to download my MP3 files from my computer to my iPad 2 and then allow me to select and play them? Thanks for any help.

I can give a very good help ,AND EVERYONE HAD THIS PROBLEM MUST SEE THIS !!!
Go now to the apple store and download the application called "Mp3 downloaders free" it is just like having the
iTunes and all the music songs are FREE !!!!! :D
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I think you missunderstud the question he doesn't want to download free mp3's or have problems with transfering them to ipad he wants an app where you have playlists and you can easly search thruu them.....haven't find anything good but in ipod (app) on top there is search thruu your mp3's so you can do what you need it will narow songs with what you enter,also there is search in playlist but I don't use them too much

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