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App icon is not showing up

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iPF Noob
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
I've downloaded a few apps from a "certain program", but the app is not showing up. It doesn't do this for all the apps I've downloaded only a few? Any ideas how to get it to show up? It doesn't show up in itunes when I sync. I try installing again but the "program" where I download from says it's already installed.

What programs are you talking about that don't show up? There are a lot og programs that unlock or install features that don't have an interface/app icon. For example openssh on cydia doesn't have an interface because it only unlocks features for other programs to use. Go back and read the description and more info sections carefully as they usually warn you if there isn't an interface/icon.
I have the same problem, I downloaded "The Weather Eye HD" and I don't see the icon, I checked all my folders also in case I accidentally dragged it into one.
I have os4.2
Under Utilities/settings, it shows that I have 4 to update, but when I open the utilities/update the screen is totally blank. Any ideas?
As this is a very old thread and the OP has not been back and has most likely found the solution to his problem, we will now close this thread.

......Thank you for your understanding

.................THIS THREAD IS NOW CLOSED..............
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