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App Request


iPF Noob
I used to have a game back around 1985 called Robot Odyssey it was a fun educational game made for apple and a few other systems as well. I'd like to see apple develope that old game into a game app for I pad, I believe it would be a simple app compared to the apps you make now and a very educational app for people of all ages to play . You run around a city ran by robots and being human isn't good there so you learn to solder and wire chips to program three robots that follow you to over come objectives like going into a guarded room putting a coin into a machine that gives the robot a ticket for the subway so you can go to the next lol and objective. It makes you Learn , think and problem solve but in the process your having a good time doing it, maybe you could up date the graphics as well.
Apple doesn't develop apps like this themselves. You would have to bring your suggestion to an app developer.
And just in case you didn't realize, this forum is not associated with Apple. It is just a bunch of people who like iPads and helping each other out.
Ok thank you both I didn't know these two things. I will search further into this with an app developer and find a forum directly connected with apple.
Any forum directly connected to Apple will be in the apple.com domain; so start there and look under support; though I don't think going to Apple is going to do you much good. They don't do games these days.

Here is the Wikipedia article for the game: Robot Odyssey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'd start with the Learning Company mentioned there and see if you can track down who has the rights to the game. Once you know that you can start talking to them or another developer about obtaining the rights and/or porting the game.

Good luck.

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