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iPF Novice
My jailbreak is working fine but most of the games I installed that supposedly compatible with my device are crashing. Could it be the jailbreak causing the problem? I just don't know what to look for, device is working just fine except that.
Open up Settings > General > About > Diagnostics & Usage > Diagnostics & Usage Data. Then look for a crash log that pertains to the date and time stamp of the crash, most likely it will have the crashing app's name as well. Copy and paste the first ~30 or so lines either into a post here, or onto PasteBin and we'll see if it's an underlying app issue or an iOS issue.
This is just one of the crashes, somehow It won't copy and paste.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/roc...c535834c04a8e57cc8b81923_zpsb1a82c72.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v...72b05c535834c04a8e57cc8b81923_zpsb1a82c72.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 12f72b05c535834c04a8e57cc8b81923_zpsb1a82c72.jpg"/></a>
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/roc...f66f5997443ed7e1084f6b7c_zpsad15561e.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v...f0c28f66f5997443ed7e1084f6b7c_zpsad15561e.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo c0ff0c28f66f5997443ed7e1084f6b7c_zpsad15561e.jpg"/></a>
Screenshots will work as well, it's fine.

The issue seems to be an extension issue from the iTunes Store (from what the identifier is saying). It's not something that you can coherently fix without possibly boot looping yourself because you'd most likely have to recompile the app with the changes to ensure that it's working.

If you're not looking to purchase any IAPs any time soon or at all, you can attempt to disable the iTunesStore daemon and see if that resolves the issue. Disabling it would disable the ability to purchase IAPs while you've disabled it, but if you want to re-enable it, you can reverse the disabling process. It sounds a bit complicated but it's just changing the extension of a file or adding to the extension so that iOS cannot read the daemon because of an unsupported extension. It won't brick your device at all. If you're interested in it, I'll find the exact location of the iTunesStored launch daemon and we can proceed from there.

What you'll need to do before hand if you're opting to dive into this is to either have iFile and/or afc2add installed via Cydia so we can modify the rootfs where the daemons are located. Also backup your device just in case as modifying rootfs always has its risk of possible boot looping (which can be circumvented by booting into No Substrate Mode in the case of launch daemons)
Thanks for looking into the problem. I'm planning to upgrade to newer iPad because most apps require higher firmware than my iPad 1. I managed to download couple of games i purchased 4 years that do not crash and be able to play on the 24 hour plane trip abroad.
I installed a game sky gambler on my 4s 7.1.2 and it crashes as well. I will get the iPhone 6 though, and hopefully will not run into this problem.
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