iPF Noob
Suddenly any thing on the Apps screen is in Spainish and the rest is in English. My General/International/Language is set to English. Region Format is US. Any suggestions?
What is the path to the featured tab of the App store? When I select the app store application I see no featured tab. When I go to the settings app and select Itunes and app store I can display my appleid and the country region shows as US. Since the day I owned the ipad the app store language has been English till today when it switched to Spanish.
Tried both recommended procedures with no change. App store only is still in Spanish. Don't know if it was unusual but during the first procedure there were over 40 apps on the multi tash bar. I reset them all.
I couldn't find a way to sign out of the app store so I went back to settings app looking for a way and couldn't find one there either. While there I noticed the app store was the only one with the automatic download function on. For grins I shut it off and did the did the shutdown via double tap and the taskbar and then restarted the app store and it was back to English. I don't have a .5 clue how that happened but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Thank you for you help.