Editor in Chief

Immediately after Apple’s head of retail operation John Browett left the company to explore greener pastures, Cupertino announced in its annual report for the fiscal year of 2012 posted with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, that it plans to open a series of additional retail stores worldwide. The number is not yet set, but will be somewhere around 30 to 35. Their doors will be opened and awaiting customers by the end of 2013.
The tech giant is set to allot $10 billion for the entire fiscal year of 2013. Out of this sum, $850 million will go to the development of the retail stores we mentioned above. The number is similar to the one from 2012, when Cupertino opened 33 stores. In 2011, the company was more eager and unleashed 40 new stores upon the world. 28 of them were located in the United States.
Apple’s retail store portfolio currently covers 390 stores worldwide. Each store cashes in $51.5 million per year which is an increase compared with the $43.3 million in 2012 and $34.1 million in 2011.
The filing also adds more details:
“As of September 29, 2012, the Company owned or leased approximately 17.3 million square feet of building space, primarily in the U.S., and to a lesser extent, in Europe, Japan, Canada, and the Asia-Pacific regions. Of that amount approximately 10.9 million square feet was leased building space, which includes approximately 4.1 million square feet related to retail store space.â€
By Radu
Source - Apple to open up to 35 new retail stores in 2013