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Apple Apologises for iCloud Email Mistake


iPadForums News Team
Apple apologises for iCloud email mistake.webp

9to5 Mac reports that Apple has apologised for various iCloud plans disappearing last week, as well as emails that were erroneously sent out by Apple to customers telling them that their 50GB or 100GB iCloud plans had been discontinued.

In an email apologising for the incident that was sent to all those involved, Apple said that the emails were sent out in error, and that there have, in fact, been no changes to iCloud storage plans. Apple also reiterated that all plans would stay exactly as they are, meaning that the disappearance of the $0.99 per month 50 GB iCloud plan and the $2.99 per month 200 GB iCloud plan had simply been a glitch.

In the email, Apple said, “We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you have any questions, please contact us.”

Apple did not offer any explanation as to how the glitch happened.

Source: Apple acknowledges earlier iCloud subscription errors, says everything has been resolved

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