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Apple Recruits Well-Known iOS Security Expert Jonathan Zdziarski


iPadForums News Team
Apple hires Jonathan Zdziarski security expert.webp

Recode writes that Apple has recruited renowned forensic security and mobile phone hacking expert Jonathan Zdziarski, with Zdziarski himself announcing today that he has accepted Apple’s offer to join its Security Engineering and Architecture team.

While Zdziarski did not discuss the specifics of his new role, he explained that his dedication to privacy was the main motivating factor behind his decision to accept Apple’s offer, saying that he was “very excited to be working with a group of like-minded individuals so passionate about protecting the security and privacy of others.”

“This decision marks the conclusion of what I feel has been a matter of conscience for me over time. Privacy is sacred; our digital lives can reveal so much about us - our interests, our deepest thoughts, and even who we love.”

Jonathan Zdziarski is known as NerveGas in the hacker community; he was a technical advisor to Apple during its dispute with the FBI last year when the FBI wanted Apple’s help with cracking the San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone. Zdziarski is said to have dismantled certain facets of the FBI’s case. Earlier, in 2014, Zdziarski discovered a backdoor in iOS devices.

Zdziarski used to be a very active and popular Twitter user, but since joining Apple it looks as though he has deleted his Twitter account.

Source: Apple hired respected iPhone security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski
It means nothing of the kind. Apple is always looking for ways of increasing the security of iOS to make it as hard as possible for others to access your data without your permission. This latest hiring by Apple was for that purpose.

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