9to5 Mac reports today that Apple looks set to focus more on Mac OS 10.10 at the forthcoming Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) rather than on iOS 8.
According to 9to5 Mac’s sources, OS X 10.10 is undergoing a big redesign, just as iOS did with iOS 7 last year, and Apple wants to really push the new OS to developers, so much so that it has even been allocating iOS user interface resources to the OS X teams in order to be ready in time.
9to5 Mac says that as far as iOS 8 is concerned, some of the new features that were expected to arrive when the software launches later this year might now be postponed until iOS 8.1.
As to what features will be delayed, that is not yet known, but the sources think that public transit functionality in iOS 8 Maps could possibly be one candidate for a possible push-back.
Putting two and two together, 9to5 Mac says that while the official reason for the push back of certain new iOS 8 features is not known, the sources think that it could have something to do with the reallocation of resources to OS X, and other projects.
Finally, even if certain features have been pushed back, that doesn’t rule out Apple showcasing them at WWDC14, just as it did last year with CarPlay, which has only just been released, one year on since that first announcement.
Source: http://9to5mac.com/2014/05/01/os-x-...shed-to-ios-8-1-new-apple-tv-os-in-the-works/