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You can donate between $5 and $200 to the American Red Cross to assist its relief work in response to Typhoon Haiyam. Apple has used the iTunes donation system several times before, in response to Superstorm Sandy, the tsunami in Japan and the earthquakes in Haiti. Now, the Cupertino company wants to support the Philippine Red Cross volunteers that are looking after the injured ones and still still searching for survivors. Apple is also advertising the effort on its homepage.
The US and UK are also helping out Philipine in this disaster, sending military naval vessels to render aid to the roughly 660,000 people displaced by the cyclone. The typhoon is thought to have been the worst ever to hit the land of Philippine. Once a donation is made, according to Apple, you "will receive an email receipt from the iTunes Store which will serve as your only acknowledgment of your donation.“
Source: Modmyi