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Apple to Reinvent Content, not Tablets


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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Wired posts a last minute story that claims Apple's focus on Wednesday's event will be on "reinventing content, not tablets".

Apple’s goal is to offer a new platform for content creators to reinvent books, magazines and online content — in addition to offering a new avenue for content producers to make money. That platform will likely be far broader than just a tablet device, and will extend to every device or computer that iTunes touches.

Apple has been aggressively trying to sign on book publishers, and a report from the Wall Street Journal indicates that Apple taking Amazon head on in its negotiations with book publishers. Apple is reportedly looking to set hardcover best sellers at $12.99 and $14.99, above Amazon's current $9.99 pricing. Apple is looking to allow publishers to set their own prices for books, shifting some of the power back to the publishers.

{source: MacRumors, Wired, Wall Street Journal}
Yeah i've heard the same thing about apple and the book publishers. It was when i was reading about the google debacle in europe with their new scanning of books machines. The tablet will make an excellent e-book reader.

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