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Apple Wireless Keyboard, First Thoughts


iPF Noob
Ok I had a Freedom Pro keyboard that folds up, but I realized I really don't need a folding keyboard, so I shuffled over to Best Buy actually hoping to buy an iPhone 4 to resell on eBay for profit (no dice, they never got a single one in) and picked up an Apple wireless keyboard.

First thoughts...

1) The arrow keys don't work, which is a bummer but expected...UPDATE: they work in some programs but not others

2) The eject key interestingly enough pops up the on screen keyboard on the iPad

3) The volume buttons work

4) The brightness buttons work

5) The fast forward etc buttons work, at least for videos..I don't have music on my iPad so can't speak for that but I'm sure it works fine

6) The F5 key does NOT refresh webpages, a bummer

7) No typing lag in Safari, IM+

8) Minimal but noticeable typing lag in Documents to Go

9) The return key works for obviously carriage returns, but also for hitting return on the Safari web address bar etc

10) Having BT on and using the keyboard drains the iPad battery pretty quick. I dropped like 3% of battery life in a few minutes.

11) Pressing any key on the keyboard unlocks the iPad even if it is completely locked

12) The keyboard fits rather snugly into a Targus netbook case I have

13) Tab key works great in most cases

Now I just need to sell my completely unused Freedom Pro keyboard, but I don't have the box.
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About #12: Be careful that the snug case doesn't accidentally turn on your keyboard. I read some reviewers' blog post and his keyboard got turned on by accident in his bag. The keys were being pressed and so the iPad was registering those key presses as passcode attempts. Eventually when he took his iPad out, the iPad said too many attempts, you're locked out for 10 or 15 min. He put the iPad back into the bag but didn't turn off his keyboard. More keys were pressed and the next time he took out his iPad, he was locked out for an hour.

Not an issue if you don't use a passcode, but in either case, the power button on the Apple keyboard is easy to press by accident (i.e. not recessed).
When I travel I take the batteries out of my devices. I'm not going to bust out the keyboard at the airport.
Thanks. That is actually one of the main keyboards I was looking at. The Bluetooth affecting the battery life was one of the main things that concerned me. If I am going to have to be looking for a power supply in short order, it would almost make more sense to go ahead and get the integrated keyboard with the cradle. Like I said no rush as I really want to get used to this keyboard so I don't ruin the purpose of the device by attaching a lot of peripherals to it.

I'm definitely going to keep this one in mind, though.
Anyone knows how to flip a page back and forth using the keyboard when using iBook?

I found the arrow keys don't work as well.

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