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Apple Wireless Keyboard


iPF Noob
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
Does anyone know the length of the Apple Wireless Keyboard (the one sans number pad)? I cannot find this information via Apple's website.

Do you all like your keyboards...I figure it can b r easier the the whole cover keyboard flip pity thing ,l ,lve reading....love it...so as a reader I suppose the keyboard a,one is for me than put pad back in it's case.
However I dis,Ike thecae..I'm taking it back to walmart
I've used the keyboard a couple times with the iPad. Mostly it's not worth the effort to dig it out. I use is constantly (like right now) on my iMac. It is one of the better keyboards I've used.
I've used the keyboard a couple times with the iPad. Mostly it's not worth the effort to dig it out. I use is constantly (like right now) on my iMac. It is one of the better keyboards I've used.
t's a great keyboard...just wish it had a back delete button. +1 on both counts otherwise.

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